Why do we think we have the right to infest another planet? Personally, I think we're in it for the possible valuable minerals, etc. A new planet to mine the hell out of for profit. I think and wish the money could be better spent here.

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Because being dependent on technology in order to breathe is such a good idea, innit?

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Do we really want him to become sentient?

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Is Lady MS quite certain? It's a Trump cocktail . . .

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Why do we think we have the right to infest another planet?Why wouldn't we?

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Sadly, you are correct. Just a dream.

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Not having read any other comments, what I observed is that he was asking for the value of the mission when he asked his lame question. "So I heard you are doing experiments up there. What have we learned?" It was so condescending in tone. I "heard" him saying, "how much money will this make?" No curiosity about the experience was expressed at all. He seemed to have been prompted to offer any kudos for her work in the reports of the conversation I heard.

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A four year old would have asked far more questions to learn about the experience of living in space than Dolt 45 did. He did not have a normal four year old version of psycho-social development and is impaired with a lack of curiosity. I bet he doesn't even know how to skip! Yes, crawling and skipping develop essential neural pathways for the brain.

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David Bowie abuse. Gah! I cannot "like" such a mangling of his song. It was okay, mechanically, but the meaning is all lost. Do it again from Peggy's perspective!

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never mind

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No "like" required. I was just following the previous two non-commenters (but I simply could not refer to so-called president as "major"). I thought the premise was that they'd launched Donnie into space. He wants the US to go to Mars, right? Well, he should go first.

It would take part of a day to rework it from Peggy's point of view. I'll try to get back to you with it.

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So if we speed up that space flight to Mars and it happens during his first term, can we put him on the ship? Please????????

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What an ass. I thought W was an embarrassment. GOP, you 've outdone yourselves.

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"Why would you do anything to that delicious pee? I prefer it unadulterated"

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so we save all that telemetry bandwidth for something useful?

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Of course. Everyone loves him. He draws the biggest crowds, he is the best golfer, and there hasn't been any 9/11 on his watch, no siree.

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