Are you implying that Trump's campaign was a grift all along? Nonsense!!!!!!

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I stand corrected.

hey - that was almost a dick joke!

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Like a Russian peasant, I tells ya!

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Good grief, we knew better than this for county clerk elections in East Texas, where half the people can't write their own names.

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Try 'anticipated,' 'certain,' 'foreseen,' and 'predictable.'

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He looks like he's saying, "Get this leftover piece of the Pomeranian I ate last week off my head."

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I knew a guy who used to write his chihuahua off on his taxes as a "mobile security system."

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I've driven 2700 miles over 4 days (San Antonio/LA/San Antonio). It was not easy, but I did it.

Driving 8000 miles over a few months is not all that difficult of a feat.

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I keep track of them, but I used to work for the federal government. I learned a long time ago to keep accurate records, or else.

I also find that one of these helps to keep me organized:


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It's not the 8000 miles that gets me. It's the fact that in legitimate business, expense reports are turned in monthly. With logs and/or receipts. And what employee doesn't want to be reimbursed monthly. Even though this was mileage, she still would have had to pay for oil changes, wiper fluid, etc. She just eats that until the campaign decides to pay? And why would a field operative from Mississippi need to drive 8000 miles? This just stinks.

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D'oh! If only I'd scrolled down ONE more comment! LOL

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Well, that and the fact that it is a truly stupid idea. :P

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Difference of course being that the contractors he works with are real people, and these "staffers" are all really named Donald Trump.

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Right now Trump is hiring someone so he can fire them for not having thought of that.

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Obviously she drove from Mississippi to New York.

...seven times.

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He doesn't mind the headlines. They make it more certain that he won't be elected. This is like "The Producers" of political campaigns.

Also, too: "The Aristocrats."

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