In the context of my blog posts, please explain how I’m being a troll. I’d love you hear your wise insight.

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Seems like producing a vaccine insert is a burden for you people. I'll even let you decide on which one. Its no wonder you people don't have much credibility. No need to swear. Its a telltale sign of a weak argument.

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That is inspirational. Your friend is a true example of courage and non-magical thinking.

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She was on MTV back when it actually had music videos. That's it. She only popped back into the public eye when she decided to blame the vaccines when her child was not perfect. What really shocks me is that people like Cypher will just kick our door down and start demanding we engage with them on their terms, and that we're not going to make fun of them and treat them like an asshole.

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I have a request for you. Get out. You're being demanding and offensive, and frankly we already have each other for that. We don't need some screeching howler demon from the anti-vax, pro-polio set, coming in here and smearing their poo all over our furniture.

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Ah! I see. The troll doesn't want to engage with facts, naturally.

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Your question "How long has the fight against chemical injections been going on and why do you think it started?" in context of a series of post on vaccines makes no sense. What is the fight to which you are referring? Without that information, 'when did it start?' is meaningless. If I remember correctly, injecting chemicals technically started with the invention of the hypodermic needle in 1844 but the first use of a syringe could be as far back as 1650 (oops, that Pascal's first use - the first known use was around 900 CE; at the time, it was only used to remove objects not inject them but, ya know). I mention the history because fights against injections started as soon as injections were started. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Then you pestered the guy for an answer and assumed 'no'. then you asked about the inserts and asked the same question which still makes no sense unless you define 'chemical' for us to understand your usage.

Then you ask what Jenny McCarthy has to do with anything and replied to a response with an explanation of all the things she is none of which offer any reason to accept her opinion on anything. Then you ask for proof of her stating her opinion and this just takes us off into the netherworld of BS because other than being the ex of another anti-vaxxer, she is only know for her antivax stance.

I actually read your first response and went on but kept seeing your postings so I came back up here to the first to declare you a puppet. I now take that back - you are not a puppet but that just makes you a troll. Now if you can clear up your meanings of 'chemical' and how that applies to vaccinations, we might be able to clear up whether or not you are a troll

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So it seems as if you decide for yourself who and what a troll is. Your definition is very subjective and doesn’t fit the textbook definition I’m afraid. I think the problem for you people is that its disturbing for your “consensus extravaganzas” for someone to have a different opinion and perspective. Are you willing to have a 1:1 conversation finally? Seems as if no one else seems up for it. I’m just trying to understand how you people think. By the way, your pictures are very nice but its doesn’t help your argument.

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Oh look, the magic of the Internet!Amazingly, I managed to find literal PAGES of information, with literally 5 seconds of effort...could you not do that, buddy?If the wonders of Google are beyond your capacity, you should probably devote your time to some remedial classes instead of bothering these nice people with your dick-waving attempts at intellectual superiority.

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You have not answered question #1 - how do you define chemical so that can understand what your question means.

Yes, I decide for myself who is and who is not a troll; yes, it is very subjective; since I do not know what textbook you are referring to I will let that pass

I am not you people - FFS, if you want a one-on-one conversation then you talk to me. I am waiting for you to state what your opinion is so that we can talk about it. You have one more chance to keep this a conversation.

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Q: What do vaccinations have to do with autism?A: Not a damn thing, much like Playboy bunnies and science.

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Just one more thing about which Donald J Trump knows nothing.

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Wow. It seems that you get upset very easy. Take it easy. As I said, I’m just trying to understand how you think. I cannot define a chemical without describing its intended use. In this context its anything that’s not naturally occurring that will be injected into veins/body. Did you have any luck with that vaccine insert so I can be a bit more precise? Or perhaps you can cut to the chase and give me a list of the vaccine ingredients from, say., the MMR shot and show me evidence that its “safe and effective” for all. I’m hearing that phrase quite a bit so it must be a piece of cake to produce the evidence. Did you run out of images this time? They’re amusing. :-)

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Well, he knows nothing, so...

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I have little patience for any kind of stupid that endangers children's lives.

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She was 'speaking out' because she thought she knew better than doctors and immunologists (you know, actual experts) about a genetic illness her child may or may not have, for which she has provided no proof on which to base her claims.Nobody here has said Jenny McCarthy has claimed or demonstrated expertise in anything except publicity-whoring - but if you're going to create a public health menace by writing books and going on TV to peddle fantasy explanations for why your child is 'sick' while promoting quack therapies and encouraging other parents to endanger their children by disregarding medical advice, you damn well better have some credentials aside from "I'm a warrior MOMMY!"Jeebus wept, is it the chemtrails making you people this dumb?

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