Maybe she can show she's related to "Garryowen."

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Poodle - The other white meat...

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Sorry. I lost my horn.

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I got a hankering to hear this. Turns out there are tabs! With accurate notation! Plenty of chords with some atypical chords for rock. One of the great tunes of the 1970s and any time, frankly.


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I saw that tweet last night, and my jaw dropped. I didn’t even realize it was part of his speech. Just the tweet is fucked up enough. Playing Garryowen there is like walking into Auschwitz playing Ride of the Valkyries.

These fucking people.

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I hear tell that on the morning of Lee's surrender, Grant had a raging hangover, which miraculously cleared up when he was told the good news

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You know, they always talk about "trying to move the Overton window", but I think there's a chance that come election time, Trumpy is gonna get splattered over the window frame.

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The Trump Borg become one with technology by putting a fork in a toaster.

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Olivia de Havilland is still with us, at an impressive 104 years old this year. Her birthday was on the first of this month.

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As a bagpiper I've played Gary Owen, but never knew that it was Custer's marching tune. Yeah, it's an Irish tune and the bagpipes are Scottish, but that's a complicated history. I'll never play it again.

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Obviously Trump knew nothing of "Garryowen", but somebody in the admin did, probably Stephen Miller. What makes this so strange is that I imagine probably none of his fans in attenedence knew that either, so this was a cruel thing done by cruel people just so they themselves could wallow in their evil machinations.

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i was just saying to mr fuflans last night: if (please FSM) trump loses, nov-jan are going to be earth scorching.

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I think you are giving him too much credit. First of all, you presume that he saw "Little Big Man" and/or "The Graduate", and more to the point, do you think he actually has any concept of music, other that stealing musicians' songs, the lyrics of which he clearly doesn't understand as they generally go against everything he believes?

And then you expect he would remember an instrumental tune in a couple of movies?Have you not noticed how incurious he is about things?Unless there was someone in the films saying "this is 'Garryowen' and we are playing it here so you will associate it with the murder of natives", I cannot believe he would remember it. The only other exception would be if someone in the film said "Donald J. Trump is the greatest person in the world and is a war hero!"

P.S.: His adulthood is not in evidence, and while yes, this is a big joke we all tell, his neice has said as much in her new book, from what I've heard.

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How about Northwest Territory? (At least I think that's the name.) Superb.It's in Canada against the Nazis. Not only one of Errol's best, but one of the best WWII movies ever.

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So I guess Lebensraum was just a rehashed version of Manifest Destiny.

This is also way above the intellect of the typical MAGA moron at Trump's Nuremberg rally who showed their fine appreciation of US history by yelling "go home" at Native American protestors.“People were telling us to ‘go home’ and that’s where we were, on our sacred home lands. It shows how the american education system white-washes history and ignores the amount of injustice, genocide, and inequality that this country was built on,” Laura Ten Fingers (Oglala Sioux Tribe), one of the organizers, told Native News Online.


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