Secretary of Labor? What happened? Did the head of Pinkertons turn it down?

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So, if you can't pinpoint responsibility, it automatically goes to the guy at the top, right? I mean, Kirk took responsibility for shooting that Klingon ship even though he didn't order it or pull the trigger. Something about the guy at the top ultimately being responsible for any action taken by those beneath him.

Oh wait. Roddenberry envisioned the Federation as a liberal utopia with serious guns.

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Remember, there's nothing wrong with the old tried and true favorites like "pussy ass bitch".

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"Phasers set to stun", that tells you all you need to know about those space commie libtards.

In the republican "Federalist Federation", the phasers are set to "torture".

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YMMV, but in my work experience, it's mostly the "male incompetent stupid bitches" who are the problem.

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So... it seems this turd didn't fall far from the asshole that produced it.

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And the poorhouses, are those still in operation - ?

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Since he's clearly an asshole, it's a good thing that he got his dad's looks...

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Poor Eu-gene. His daddy turned up dead while daddy was off in the middle of nowhere, with daddy's boy-toy, on Valentine's Day. Wery sad.

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In other words, a FINE Republican appointee.

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I had to google -- DV can stand for a bunch of things, but "domestic violence" seems to fit Bannon best.

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That is it. I didn't want to trigger anybody who didn't already know

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I called his father 'Justice Scalytail', never certain whether I was calling him ratlike, reptilian, or satanic. Cardinal Scalia, the Inquisition's torture researcher?

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Is asking that any Grand Poobah of Labor nominee provide any past history of being an hourly paid worker or God forbid a Union member unreasonable?

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Secretary of Slavedriving, more like.

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So this guy represented Juul? I wonder if they're going to use him to lean on Trump to roll back his anti-vaping decree?

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