I love you. That's the funniest thing I read this week, and Wonketters are pretty funny bunch.

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Ahhh, Jackie Stewart. That is all.

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I think the Indy people finally realized that the whole idea was just too tacky. (Admittedly, Trump's insistence on a gold-plated pace car probably didn't help his chances.)

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Happily, Wonkette isn't infested with Chump Downfisting Trolls (unlike WhazzUpChuck Norris' posse).

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Bulls are not impressed with bullshit.

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Don't try to steal New Orleans' motto, you Hoosier, you.

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I’d be surprised if they could ever find a helmet that would fit his head. And the hair, if you did manage to get the hair inside a helmet how would you get it off? And if you did get it off what the hell would Donald’s hair look like? THESE QUESTIONS NEED TO BE ANSWERED PEOPLE!!

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How would he get his short and vulgar fingers around the wheel, anyway?

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So - The Chump Car just ran out of gas?

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Don't worry, Donald. They did the same thing to George Washington. And look how good he turned out.

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Instead, Ron Paul will be driving Mr. Magoo's car in pace.

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It is pretty ironic when the shit that comes out of Trump's mouth makes him look more ridiculous than Ricky Bobby. Shake and Bake Donald.

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