And therefore it's not for procreation, so Rick Santorum has a problem wit dat.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.outnews.co.uk\/on1\/index.php\?option=com_content&amp\;view=article&amp\;id=679:support-for-disqualified-transgender-miss-canada-competitor-grows&amp\;catid=2:world&amp\;Itemid=3" target="_blank">Indeed. </a>

Whatever they put in those hormones, they sure do work - but you do have to wonder if drug testing is going to become an issue for beauty queens.

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No, Donny, she would not be impressed. Remember what she did with the last dick she got her hands on?

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So all those ugly towers are just compensation? Why couldn't the jerk just buy a Hummer, like other indadequate men?

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That'll be five bees!

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Even WITH the dick, she'd be more feminine.

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Her wig is better than his.

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Fuck you, incidentally.

I know we all make Ann Coulter jokes, but if you're actually on the Dump's side in this, please go back to Redstate.

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Has The Donald been taking etiquette lessons? This is unusually classy and tasteful for him.

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