Sure, if it's a square dance.

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Like Hollywood cowboys, you mean. Real western sheriffs would often hold your guns for you while you were in town - and nobody bleated about their Second Amendment rights.

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A Good Guy With a Gun (GGWAG): >Always knows exactly who the Bad Guy With a Gun (BGWAG) is >Always has a clear shot at the BGWAG >Never has innocent people behind the BGWAG >Never panics >Never gets shot by the BGWAG >Never misses

Will the tens of thousands of men who qualify please step forward? We'll need all of you.

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Here's a modest proposal to respond with: in a similar bar, arm 25% of the patrons with light paint guns (light, meaning they'll just mark you, not like some, hit hard enough to be painful). Then start the show, and sometime after midnight, someone come in and start shooting with their paint gun.

Let's do it, say, in FL, and Chicago, and TX. And do it in three different clubs, different weeks.

Then let's see how many folks correctly identified the "shooter", and hit them, and how many shot at other people with guns, and how good everyone's aim was.

I think this might be something that *surely* the NRA would like to see....

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An NRA lobbiest talking about laws? But I thought laws about firearms never, ever work.

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Quick, someone get the smelling salts for Miss LaPierre. She's just become frantic what with all of "them" coming for "us". Oh, my stars and garters, I do believe I now have the vapors as well.

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Its so simple, if Pulse would have had a "check your guns at the door policy" like Miss Kitty's Long Branch Saloon, Mateen would have had no choice but to check his guns at the door because an armed society is a polite society and then none of this would have happened. Is that what Trump meant?

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I wish these "journalists" would just keep asking the same question or making the same point until they get an answer.

Hey, you said good guys with guns are the answer, except that didn't work at all and it pretty much never does. Oh, you replied with gibberish that doesn't address it? All right, I will just move on then.

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They’re going to go for shopping malls. They’re going to go for churches.

LaPierre, you asshole - "they"? Who are "they"? I'm certain that you are meaning for people to infer ISIS terrorists, because it serves you in your role as amoral, bloodthirsty prostitute for the gunrunners, but there has yet to be an actual terrorist attack by ISIS on any of those targets. On the other hand, I can remember that previous terrorists - lone wolves all, it would seem, who shot up churches, a Jewish community center, a Sikh temple, a Planned Parenthood clinic, a community college and a few university campuses, military recruitment centers (so much for "they" won't go for military targets) and bases, a movie theatre, etc; etc; were pretty much all white "Christian" men. Perhaps that's who you really meant, because they've certainly done so in the past, and could go for similar targets in future. But somehow, I don't get the impression that you would be terribly anxious for all women and people of color to be arming themselves against the terrible threat to our nation's peace who look a lot like you.

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The police said some of the people may have been killed by stray police bullets. The police also used explosives, which may explain the big holes in the walls. They blew people up to distract the shooter? Has it occurred to you that this whole narrative is fucked?

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Wayne La Pierre is truly raving like a psychopathic madman. He's just one hiccup away from telling us "I do not avoid women, Dickerson, but I do deny them my essence."

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Silly you! He means US! WE are "they." Mostly the blahs, but also the Messicans, a Jew or two, more blahs, libtarts, feminazis, Barry Bamz, Killery, and more blahs! You know, US! So, here's my question, though. Do the arms dealers, I mean the NRA, KNOW that LaPierre is a raving paranoid maniac, and call him every night to frighten him more? ("They're out there, Wayne--I just saw them at the gas station! Wait, IS THAT THEM? They're JUST DOWN THE STREET FROM YOU!")

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Nothing says "I'm free!" like the feeling you're in jeopardy all the time and therefore must carry with you a piece of artillery so you can kill someone on a moment's notice.

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I am one of the weirdos that likes shots of vodka.

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The security guards at Pulse were armed and used their guns.

But yeah, the usual "mass shootings only happen in gun free zones!" trope is catching so fast that screw reality.

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"They're coming to kill us!"

Let's see. Two shootings loosely -- very loosely -- connected to ISIS. Really only because the shooters claimed it and not because of actual coordination and planning.

So that leaves DOZENS of other mass shootings COMPLETELY UNCONNECTED to TERRORISM.

What about them? Are they coming to kill us all, too?

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