Glad they've gotten that far with it (I was not aware of said bill at the time of my post). Disappointed, but not surprised that the Republicans aren't prepared to go further than making vague noises of disapproval. I'm pleased that Kamala Harris is hammering this as hard as she is on Twitter. (And while in no way part of my suggestion, the marches and demands to be let into these camps by various Dems yesterday were also a good thing). Hopefully they'll keep up the pressure.

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Those boys in the picture are away from their parents. They look just fine. I see nothing wrong with the Presnit's idea. Everyone should spend some time in a chain-link-enclosed vastness once in a while. Think of the time for those kids for self-reflection. That, in and of itself, is reason enough to support this policy.

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Congressional Dems have such a bill - it has ZERO support from Refucklicans.

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Go ahead. If they send back a sinister note, publish it everywhere you can.

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Dear Dem leadership,

Make them own this. Put together a quick bill to stop Trump's family seperation policy. No other stuff in it, just a basic "You need to stop taking kids from their parents, shut down these camps, and get the kids who've already been taken back to their families" wrapped in a bare minimum of legal-what-nots. Get a bunch of Dem sponsors for it, and drop it on Ryan and McConnell's desks. They probably won't move to vote on it, so when/if that happens (and given the Republican bills for health Care and taxes last year, we know how quickly they can go from a vote being presented to being voted on when they choose), go to the press. Hold a protest rally on the capitol steps until this is fixed (Yes, most members of congress probably can't stay out there non-stop, so run this in shifts) demanding to know why they refuse to act to reverse a policy that everyone involved agrees is wrong (Even the WH and DoJ are sticking with (false) claims of "We'd like to not do this, but it's the law"). It can't be that they're not wanting to go against Trump or that they think he won't sign it; after all, Trump says that he wants to reverse this policy as soon as Democrats fix the law to close this loophole (Yes, he's lying, but they don't want to admit it). Then start moving on whatever options are available to overrule Ryan and McConnel and force a vote on the issue. And if, being in the minority, you don't have the numbers to get those through without Republican assistance, start demanding explanations for why your Republican colleagues aren't helping you to fix this.

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I know we must remain vigilant. But I feel somewhat helpless until November comes and we vote these GOP bastards out of power. Trump will thrash about like a boated bass, tweeting and shouting to anyone who will listen that the Democrats having control of the House and Senate won’t stop him from doing what he wants. He routinely ignores Congress anyway. But our best chance to stop this madness arrives in November. My first child is due to arrive November 25. I’m praying he will be born during the month we start to turn this terrible mistake around and strip that maniac of much of his power.

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Oh I do. It was hard last time but I made it happen. I will this time too.

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Thank you very much. I really appreciate this.

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"Why do they hate America?"

Just make a guess.

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While I agree in theory that one should not earn one's living off the misery of others; these children need care. I agree they shouldn't be there to begin with, but they are. If bi-lingual, experienced, quality early childhood teachers and caregivers are not doing this job, who exactly is? That is terrifying to me. Unqualified, inexperienced workers will lead to horrific abuses of these kids.

I work at a daycare center. It's hard work to take care of middle-class kids with relatively affluent parents. I cannot even begin imagine the challenges in caring for these traumatized immigrant children. I'm terrified for the welfare of these kids.

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And Trump wants a military parade.

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We need to start calling these places β€œTrump Hotels.” Need to save β€œTrumpvilles” for after the tariffs kick in.

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Maybe we need to organize these children into some kind of youth group. Perhaps named after Trump. Then after a few years of correct education, these Trump Youth would be properly loyal and would be handy keeping an eye on subversive elements.

I looked, though, "Janissaries" is already taken.

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Good point

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