Every time someone brings up this memo thing I always reiterate--a memo is not a law, or a rule or even a suggestion. It's the opinion of a couple of lawyers not rooted in any actual precedent. It's one of the third rail issues in legal circles that makes lay people like myself wonder why an entire profession is scared frozen stiff at tackling the problem (Fair Use is another).

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And he so wanted to be dictator for life, and then have his brats take over, turning this country into a third-rate banana republic. And he's struggling to cope with the fact that that will never happen and the best he can hope for at this point is to keep all his assets.

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"Alan Dershowitz who appears to think"He hasn't appeared to think any time in the last decade.

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Yes yes, but think of the GRIFT!

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She didn't mean "leave peacefully." She was referring to the speech where he used the word "peaceful" one time. Except much of his other rhetoric was about "fighting."

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I hope so.

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*tongue in cheek* so if we can't take legal advice from a blog, should we not believe that double jeopardy doesn't apply here?

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your argument makes too much sense, Dump would never use it

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Hmm, not sure, will look for it.

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SNL's Jeopardy? (Darrell Hammond) as Sean Connery: "I'll take Le (Teats) Now, Treee-beck"!

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Wait until they release his taxes, which they just voted to do.

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Are you sure this nonsense wasn't posited by way of Rudy( Dye Drip) Giuliani?

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It takes a special kind of self-delusion to think a 57-43 vote to convict was a "convincing win". Especially when McConnell said he voted not to convict because Trump was no longer in office so therefore criminal charges could be laid against him.

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Rudy's probably a little too busy now for anymore pro bono work.

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He starts grifting off his legal problems, he looks like every other insurrectionist with a gofundme page.

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Every time Hunter Biden's penis gets mentioned, I find myself wondering if the Trump boys inherited the ol' mushroom. I mean, Donnie had to give both Kim and Lara no-show jobs to get them to snuggle up to Don, Jr.'s and Eric's allegedly mushroom thingies.

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