Yeah does CSPAN play these gd things wall to wall? Like it's important news?

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Tweetulence is flatulence for the new millennium. And it can clear a room just as quickly.

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It's the Insane Klown Possegrabber and his cult, the Repuggalos.

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Their response is Pavlovian. No brain is required.

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Thanks for taking one for the team! [team whistles and stomps in the non-comment gallery, throws popcorn at trolls, whoops it up, watches kitten videos and goes lalala when the idiot speaks]

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semi-sentient is fun to say. thank you.

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Or too fucking stupid? I'm goin' with "too fucking stupid."

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And bring tears to your eyes just as easily!

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The orange slime...

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'What are these "Rights of Man" of which you speak?'

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Okay, you win a Major Award, and an Internet Gold Medal.

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Thankyew, I say, with becoming modesty.

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Is he a cellular slime mold or a vegetative acellular slime mold? Guess it doesn't matter. They live off decaying matter which is exactly the decaying matter in Trump supporter brains.

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He flew into space with Russian Cosmonauts. Clearly a Communist Party event.

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He's obsessed with Hillary, still, because running against her got him into this job and he can't keep that promise to LOCK. HER. UP.He tried a DOJ investigation and no dice.I'm sure he's turned to the Secret Service, ATF, the FBI, the US Marshals, and even the DEA, and said, "Put that woman in jail and beat a confession out of her," and all those agencies' representatives said, "For what? We need a warrant from a federal magistrate."Fuming, he probably turned to the generalstab, and yelled at them to "Pick her up and fly her to Gitmo for interrogation!"At which point, those "dopes" and "idiots" on the Joint Chiefs said, "We can't. Ex parte Milligan strictly forbids the military from doing that to American citizens where the courts are in operation, and they are in operation in New York State."So he asks, "Can I call some of my 'friends' in New York to 'take care' of her by 'painting her house?'"And everybody in the room quails, because they know what that means, even the highest-ranking federal official in the room can't hide too well from a New York State Attorney General/State Police murder investigation. Someone nervously says, "I don't think we can do that, sir."At which point, Trump sits fuming at his desk and fires off another angry Tweet in a mix of frustration and despair.Fortunately for him, after the next Congress (which will probably follow his barge full of garbage into re-election) takes office, it will be full of Trumpetoons who will be proud of their ignorance and xenophobia, and they will happily rubber-stamp his extra-Constitutional "executive orders" to "restore order and discipline in America."And that's when Trump will get his dream -- Hillary's Secret Service team getting the order over their earphones to IMMEDIATELY take her into custody and to a nearby Air Force base, where a small jet transport will be waiting to take her to Guantanamo Bay, to await "processing," "enhanced interrogation," trial in the "people's court," where she will "confess her crimes," and be quickly sentenced to life at hard labor. Fortunately, she will either "commit suicide out of remorse" or "fall down a flight of stairs and die," and her remains will be "cremated to avoid the spread of disease," and the costs of shipping the container billed...to Bill.Where did I get this scenario? I'm reading "Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives," by H.R. Trevor-Roper. It's interesting to compare the two. They had a lot in common. They also had a lot of differences.

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