Nothing can make him seem that.

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My sis-in-law got Warren, followed by Bloomberg. Pretty different candidates.

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actually re-watching The Tear that Shook Nations i was delighted to note he was oblivious. he is so fucking stupid (speaking only partially with authority having watched him across the border in IL).

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This was in response to Trump's Super Bowl ad:


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Yeah, I remember liking him when I was young, but reading him recently I realized he was awfully genetically-determinist. He was a good, punchy prose stylist, though.

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It looked like they hit the sweet spot with his meds about 30 seconds before he went on, but he still had a couple of those mini-stroke moments.

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Must have. He and his dipshit followers have been crying about it all day.

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I've been told he's supposed to arrest Pelosi and throw her in prison.

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One of the outraged: Ted Cruz, the guy whose father killed JFK from the grassy knoll with a bow and arrow and whose wife is as ugly as a day-old dead rat, at least according to his belovèd Best President Ever.

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oh hell yeah Robert wrote good yarns, but his politics were abhorrent, especially when he got together with Larry Niven

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Warren Commission Libelz!!

I love while she's tearing them up, her mouthing words that could probably be interpreted as swears, and then gathering them up and flopping them down as if to say, fuck this shit.

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My son was born at 1lb. 9ozs. That was 19 years ago. We've come a long way in 19 years, so yeah, it's possible.

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I'm always suspicious of the gestational ages cited by anti-choicers. IIRC, in cases of very early delivery, anti-choicers just LOVE to cite IVF preemies because gestational age is calculated from a known implantation date, while in other pregnancies, gestational age is estimated from the LMP - typically, a difference of two weeks (which is a huge amount of time at or near viability). This makes the preemies the anti-choicers celebrate sound two weeks younger than they would be if the pregnancy was dated from the LMP. So that preemie, while still very, very early, could actually be 23 weeks.

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Bet they didn't say a word about him refusing to shake her hand, though.... because of the magic of IOKIYAR!

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There's a case before the Supreme Court about funding private religious schools with taxes. One of the plaintiffs is some asshole mom in Montana, who had the nerve to complain that she was being discriminated against because she wants us to pay to send her kids to a religious school. Sure, lady, I'll pay to indoctrinate your kids. As long as the school is held to the same standards as public schools. That is, they must accept all students in their district regardless of how difficult it is to teach them or how profoundly disabled they are, they can't promote any religion over others, they can't kick kids out for being LGBTQ+, they have to teach to Common Core standards including providing a solid understanding of the theory of evolution, geologic history of the planet and solar system, history of our species from Prehominids to now, and teach age-appropriate sex ed including how to avoid getting pregnant. Because I for damn sure don't want my tax dollars having to provide care for your grandbabies when you're 35.

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