There is a fuckton of stupid here in WV.

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Yeah, but for those of us who live here and fly in and out, the mountains look like the dunes at Kill Devil Hills, NC!

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Only for the poor in there with their "small time lottery"; otherwise, they're totally welcoming the Chinese tycoons to piss their hard-earned sweatshop yuans.

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See, this is why I'm finding the "Arabic" defense for covfefe ludicrous. Why in the world would the POSOTUS be using such a "raghead" word?

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We could also start calling him and his cronies "kleptomaniacs."

KLEPTOMANIAC, n.A rich thief.

--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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It's not going to happen. Read the last sentence of that Newsweek article. There was a report that suggested it, that's all. The foreign minister said no way.

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I wouldn't expect them to do it. That's why it was huge news.

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Phhhh. Dr who and Donna did.

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Actually, he's doing his best to piss off most of the Catholics, too.

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And I was hoping it was the military turning on Duterte....

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Not really, they're too busy raising hell down south.

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"Donald Trump Really Hopes Manila Casino Attack Was Terrorism, Because He Loves Stuff Like Terrorism That Distracts People From The ShitShow That Is His Presidency!"

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Let me speculate wildly, as is my responsibility: a few months ago the FBI raided the Sanpai casino, an alleged money-laundering turbo for international mobsters - run by a former Trump Casino boss. Seems odd that a Philippine casino WOULDN'T be tied to Dutarte and other criminals. Might this robbery attempt be some kind of in-fighting / black ops gone awry (or is it?)??

Not exactly a Oceans 11 style heist.

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A chaotic situation, and a bunch of not-true stuff follows along in its wake? I smell subpoenas. Where did these erroneous reports come from? Why did the President say them from the podium at one of his few public events? Did he have talking points? Who decided it was a terrorist attack before the facts were in? Was a spurious video on You Tube involved in any way? Why wasn't our Pacific Fleet on high alert? Were they given a stand down order, and if so, by whom? Did anyone in the White House send an e-mail on either a government server or a private server that referred to The Phillippines or Manila (city or envelope) in any way? Is there a child sex ring operating out of the White House basement?

Questions linger and clouds gather.

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