From one dude in a cowboy outfit to another dude in a cowboy outfit...

*touches brim of cowboy hat and nods*

...much obliged.

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Here's hoping there's so much Donald assf**king that the prickly pears will be dripping with santorum.

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Boy's Town for the win!

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Begs the question, what is he filled with? Adolescent scorpions? The green, moldy runoff from leather tanning factories? Rabid tribbles?

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"You can mock all you want, but how many wetbacks got across the border on my watch? None, that's how many. No drug pushers, no criminals, no wetbacks, and some, I assume, have dry backs," will say Trump, probably.

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Trump is a just a substitute for Rush Limbaugh running for president. Same brashness, same talking points, same rudeness, same racism. Rushbo has been the covert leader of the GOP for years, so why is anyone surprised that Trump leads in the polls?

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OT Finally something redeeming about Ted Cruz. He prefers Captain James T. Kirk to Picard. http://www.nytimes.com/2015...®ion=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below

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The source of texture in my latest shit, the other...

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out of curiosity, 1,000's of messicans invade the border today at Laredo just to get a look at el Donaldo.

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So he prefers philandering cheating blowhards over sophisticated, mature intellectualism?Not surprised really.

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They kept yelling "Pinata, pinata!"

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As I walked out in the streets of LaredoAs I walked out in Laredo one dayI spied a yooge asshole whose hair was a-blowinA blowin in the wind by the bright light of day.

I see by your notebook that you are a newsmanThese words he did say as he boldly stepped byCome sit down beside me and hear my yoooge storyI am running for Pres and so I must lie

My friends and relations who live in this NationThey say I must run for the office of PrezI first ran casinos and then I went bankruptOh I'm a giant douche and I know I must run.

Well, it's pretty bad but I had to try. My son loved me singing that song to him when he was 3.

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When asked why he needed to travel to the border to make his statement, Trump explained:

"Ordinarily, when I want to condemn some random group of people (like "kids today" for instance) I just stand on my YOOOGE front lawn and yell at them to get off of it, as is every red-blooded entrepreneurial American's right to do. But my front lawn usually has several Messicans tending it* equipped with some sharp implements, as required by the job. So I thought it would be safer to go to the border, where there are fewer Messicans nearby who might react negatively to my hard truths. Since this also avoids me being captured by any Messican kidnappers that might be trimming the hedges on my estate, that makes me a hero, in my book."

* "They do great work, and cheap. It's just good business."

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Bloom County weighs in

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