and LeBron James actually WON the championship! Sheesh....

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She did not apologize. She said she shouldn't have said "half."

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Stephen Harper?

but then again he thought large swaths of Canadians were deplorable too

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There is no Politics 101 in this election. Trump threw out the rules. Don't ding Hillary for breaking one of them. Besides, she left them an out - they don't ALL have to be deplorables unless that's how they self-identify. They could be in the other half.

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They just happen to support a racist anti-Muslim anti-LGBTQ small-minded small-fingered so-called presidential candidate holding deplorably bigoted, hate-filled views that will sell their entire country down the river for his own personal gain, start world war III nuclearbigly, tank the world economy into recession, and enable despots like Putin and Kim Jong Ill carte-blanche.

Not to mention small penised, possibly incestuous, unnaturally orange-skinned, unnaturally haired, and did I forget small-fingered? What else did I forget?

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and somehow, Bill blowing a saxophone solo on late-night TV is still KEWL

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True, thanks for clarifying.

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Thanks, it did! Great ad. Really annoying article, though. I'm really sick of "nobody likes either of them".

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Oh! It's like how in the white-male-Christian world, only having 95% of all the power, instead of 100% = complete destruction and full replacement by horrible inferior blahs, messicans, women, gayz

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I wonder if Donny can get Barbara to apologize for this: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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alas, momentary relief. moments after the final buzzer the city began to brace itself for another 6 decade long losing streak! :-)

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Why let's visit a Trump supporter right now so snobby, uppity Clinton can eat her words:


Hilary is such a big meanie! I mean why on earth would anyone would call such warm-hearted bastions of civility "deplorable"?

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The snoops at Facebook want to put cookies on your computer - you probably have some security setting that prevents it. If your browser lets you keep cookies for a set period (like a day, or an hour) you can limit the spying. The only other option is to find the videos on some other site.

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The grifting of the Trumpanzees is almost instantaneous these days: https://twitter.com/andreag...Because the only thing better than a bitter ex is an armed bitter ex.

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