The clown car should be a black Hummer stretch limo to give it the perfect metaphoric vibe.

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Mmm, having lived through Tricky, no. He was a paranoid motherfucker, and implemented the "Southern Strategy" which has re-animated the goddam Confederacy.

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Ponytail? The sideburns are a mystery to me.

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Yeah, but ANYBODY could say that. The fucking UNIVERSE could say that.

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Just the headlines alone at Wonkette (almost) make me shart with laughter.

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Trade yeh two mint Roseannes for your Chirstie? I need him to complete my Unindicted Co-conspirators team.

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That would certainly explain their cranial locations.

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Andy are you locked in the punch?

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Yes. Kraut and some brats on the grill.

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Or Fred Sanford.

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This is the big one, Elizabeth (Warren)!

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To be fair, Krauthammer really is A Idiot, so Mr. Whiney isn't wrong. He's just whiney.

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Unlike William Buckley who was at least a smart wingnut, the current crop of conservative pundits is laughable in their stupidity and downright mean attitudes. Trump may be right about Krauthammer but he is still A Idiot.

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Trump has my vote!

I too want America to be rich again and not some 3rd world toilet that we are turning into.

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Trump tells it like it is and loves his country. He's got my vote.

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Trump can say whatever he wants. Trump reminds me a lot of Ross Perot who predicted this bad economy we have now due to job outsourcing.

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