63 last Feb. 13th and I recall hiding under desks and the kind of talk parents blithely tossed around and yeah LOT of tension and it really sucks to have go over the same shit again

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Chip 'n' Dale?

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BIG orange penis? Well that explains EVERYTHING!

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or how McArthur got his ass fired for guaranteeing the American people that the PRC would never ever have a problem with the US crossing the 38th parallel.

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this is another case where I go to the Pink Dome and think the weirdest thing in my day is going to be the Liberty Caucus (because they're I guess even moar free-er than the Freedom Caucus?) gets their panties in a twist about not getting to bitch about the proposed feral hog pilot program. and then come home and I hear Tsarina Short Fingers decided it would be a good idea to test out an 11 ton bomb.

anyway, they're playing my song.


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he just got there for a three day weekend. not to make a point, or anything.

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Not sure how you end up with hundreds of millions of refugees out of a total DPRK population of 25 million.

Similarly, if they focused their long range artillery on Seoul they'd certainly kill thousands, but that would hardly be the same thing as Seoul being "annihilated".

It's important to talk about the threats posed by a conventional war on the Korean Peninsula, but let's dial the hyperbole back a bit. :)

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"North" libel

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Chinese philosophy has always preached patience. They've been playing a long game and waiting for us to trip up.

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I call bullshit, no way our president listened to anybody talking about anything, for ten fucking minutes.

Other than, maybe, himself.

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I'm đŸ˜¨. Hold me.

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bless you.

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this makes me sad.

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That's when I decided to kick your ass with votes!

Jed Wonklet

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