Well he has delivered on that promise, all right.

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To be fair, the possible reversal was noted in the gruan on sunday and it didn't take much effort to think 'uhoh wonder what the American king is getting as a sweetener'.

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"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and take a $500,000,000 bribe from China to bail out ZTE and not lose voters."

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IMHO, she is $500,000,000F for this article alone.

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They can. They just think that he'll support a system that allows them to be the only thing that matters to them. After all, America was founded by rich white men, and for many years it privileged white men.

The joke, of course, is that Turnip is no more committed to white supremacy than he is anything else (outside of himself). In the end he'll throw the racists under the bus for his own profit.

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And it's still the first inning...

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The irony is, the progressives would probably be better off under Chinese rule. I mean, sure they're authoritarian capitalists, but at least they're competent.

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They are swallowing because this is the only way to preserve white male privilege. They'll drink straight from the toilet if they have to, as long as it comes with white male privilege.

Seriously, I give it 3 years before they start talking about repealing the 13th.

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Bestest thing I have read all week.

And I read the Henry Kissinger thing on AI in the The Atlantic, and it was pretty good.

But this was better.

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Top of Page - "Trump: can't allow China 'to rape' our country"Of course, it's not rape if it's consentual.

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−Avatarrtpoeman13 hours agoUS Constitution, Article 2, Section 4:The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

As always IOKiffYAR.

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So wait a minute. Let's say the daycare did step up and somehow backtracks this to the point of keeping investigations from popping up. If China has a shed [or shred-edit] of evidence that he did actually make any promises in return for the half billion loan, they now own his orange ass just like Putin does (apparently).

This could get real interesting, especially if there are more state level actors with the goods on Diaper Don. They may need to start a power sharing agreement, so they can protect their "interest" in the Orange Stooge.

Wouldn't want one actor to show their hand, that would call the whole deal off.

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Not China, "Jina."

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Every week is infrastructure week. Just not here.

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Lol. I had a 50 50 chance to get it right, so I went with short, solely because of The Big Short.

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Faultless logic.

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