Late night car ads are now "journalism".

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Donald Trump: the late night used-car ad salesman of presidential candidates.

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Next one might be Putin

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!H!h1!h!!H....<head explodes="">

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I see what you did there

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Poodle libelz!!!!!

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He will ensure A/A's they live in secure accommodation whilst the Hispanics and Latinos are given transport to country areas (Country yet to be decided) and Muslims are allowed to follow Sharia Law (in Arab Land)

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Because it's to easily changed to"I wish I was a pixieI'm gay! I'm gay!In Pixieland I'll take my standand live and die a pixieI'm gay all dayI wish I was a pixie"

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I worked in London in the 70s and my introduction to TERROR!!!!!! was a pillar box bomb* going off a couple of minutes after I passed. Nobody was phased about it, no injuries, IIRC the road was not even closed because it was at King's Cross at rush hour.

+++++++++++++* Pillar box = Mail box about 5 foot tall, cylindrical, painted red and made of cast iron. A small quantity of "co-op mix" would shatter them spectacularly.

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It was also a kick-ass transcription of classical Greek literature.

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Same old story; Swan and his men get to the sea after a long and dangerous trip upcountry.

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and actually originated from Aubrey Beardsley

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Poor Geena Davis!

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That's spelled Bee-onisay, tyvm.

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"Fear is his product, after all." And large amounts of ridiculous promises.

Okay his 2 products are fear and large amounts of ridiculous promises. And a fanatically devoted group of gun wielding intolerant idjiots.

Okay his 3 products are fear, large amounts of ridiculous promises and a fanatically devoted group of gun wielding intolerant idjiots. And a campaign machine that really just feeds his own wallet.

Okay, among his products are fear, large amounts of ridiculous promises, a fanatically devoted group of gun wielding intolerant idjiots and a campaign maching that really just feeds his own wallet.

No wonder no one saw him coming.

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Considering The Wire is actually about the failure of American Capitalism, we could only hope he watched it carefully. But considering Trump's notoriously short attention span, I'm thinking he just saw a few NWA music videos.

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