I think Trump should have more respect for judges, it surely doesn’t help his case! My opinion only!

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My liver tells me that Trump will fire ALL of his attorneys before the trial and proceed pro se.

His ego is the size of Canada and he will not be able to sit there while legal eagles hopelessly argue his case in front of the judge and tell him privately in the office that he doesn't have a chance.

He'll can them all -- even Larry Klayman if it comes to it -- and stand there in the well, spouting his Truth Social drivel, until the judges find him in Contempt of Court, particularly for his obscene language and slanderous statements.

A good example of defendants hiring fools for counsel in major cases are some of the SPLC lawsuits against neo-Nazis like Tom Metzger and Frazier Glenn Miller, and a plaintiff hiring a fool for a counsel when Holocaust denier David Irving sued American historian Deborah Lipstadt for libel. His theory of the case was "The Holocaust Never Happened."

He sued in an English court, so Lipstadt and her counsel had to prove the Holocaust did happen. If Irving tried that stunt in an American court, the judge would have tossed the argument and required Irving to prove that Lipstadt had libeled him and wrecked his reputation. As he had none -- and even less now -- he would have been laughed out of court.

I hope Trump gets laughed into a jail cell.

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"like the opposite of a Shakespeare festival"

I don't know why but this made me LOL.

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I do wonder if his lawyers make any attempt now to explain the differences between civil and criminal trials, or if they've just thrown up their hands and yelled, "Fuck it!"

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My money is on the latter.

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Anus face is how I think of him, which matches what you write about him, great minds etc, carry on, Thank you!

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Donny’s age showing a bit here, calling people Marxists. Also, all this capitalized yelling isn’t arguments, it’s just contradiction.

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No it isn't.

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Yes it is.

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Anyone else notice that criminal defendant Trump's originally requested start date (April 20, 2026) is Adolf Hitler's 137th birthday?

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Ooh! 1+3+7=10, 1+0=1, and Donald is Number 1!

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Ahem. 1+3+7=*11*. And 1+1=2, as in Number Two, which is what Donnie is in a deep pile of.

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This is one of the reasons I was ejected from Hillsdale College's Numerology major.

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My favorite rendering of Trump’s nonsense was Andy Serkis on Colbert’s show.


I also find it amusing that Trump thinks his “unselect” comment is so clever. Dolt.

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Gosh but I miss Colbert.

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Me too. With all the nonsense going on, he’s missing out on comedy gold!

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I'm thinking that since Xitter has TRANSmogrified, whatever they're doing over there is no longer tweeting anyway, so just say "tweet." It's like the Kleenex®/kleenex thing.

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I like "Xcrete"

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Yeah, too long to say Not Twitter

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Trump is the guy who once got a laugh by saying "shizzle" after a word and now everything ends in shizzle.

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Angry baby-man shits britches, flings poo, ketchup.

Film at 11:00.

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Where does the Bing Bong thing come from?

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This is August. He has 6 months to prepare his defense. The Washington indictment is only him and 4 little, itty bitty charges. 3 conspiracy and 1 obstruction charge. What's so hard about that?

I will even help him on the voter conspiracy charge.

"It was just me and Melania that voted that day, we didn't see nobody, no one else voting. And I didn't conspire her, or anyone! She voted all by herselves!" Eeezee Peezee.

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I saw a video a day or two ago where Alina Hobba was telling a Fox News droid that The Former Guy is super smart and doesn't need any time at all to prepare for trials. So I don't see how March 4 is a problem.

I was talking about this court date thing with my wife, and realized that the indictments had actually reached a point where I couldn't remember which court went with which criminal charges.

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I posted this Note laying out all the court dates as they currently stand, so I could re-post when someone has questions. It’s been getting a workout lately!


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That's why God (and Bill Gates) created spreadsheets.

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Still LOLing about the super smart guy thing. This from a woman who was so bad at her job and controlling her client that she got reprimanded and fined a million bucks. Takes a smart person to know one, I guess.

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She lives him so, so much.

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If PAB were actually educated he would imagine he is Lear…but instead he is Caligula, who also never went to school and was a cruel, malignant narcissist.

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nah Ubu Roi - obscenity, absurdism and savagery. i mean wiki says of him:

Ubu inhabits a domain of greedy self-gratification". Jarry's metaphor for the modern man, he is an antihero – fat, ugly, vulgar, gluttonous, grandiose, dishonest, stupid, jejune, voracious, greedy, cruel, cowardly and evil –

course it ends with him fleeing to France, which has absolutely no basis in reality.

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Jejune? Much too cool a word for PAB

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