My hero!

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He's a victim of affluenza

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When she tweeted HRC' s joke about her during the MenInFrocks dinner, I died.

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They probably think it's a bridge too far.. which I find amusing. They never focus with any kind of sustained effort any of Trump's real scandals.

When the case comes around in December, it's vomit time.

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What I really don't get is why the NIGHTLIES aren't talking about this. Where's Trevor? Where's John? WHERE'S SAM, FOR GODDESS' SAKE???

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In Soviet Russia, online polls HIM!

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But... but... they can get together in public and yell racist things and call women cunts! That's all they care about!

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I can only assume there isn't enough evidence and they really would be liable for lawsuits. I'm sure, especially Sam, would have been all over this. Did you see her this week? She was INSANELY GOOD! And yet--no one's fucking covering any of it!

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She was! Utterly brilliant. And yeah, not one word. I mean, they wouldn't have to say anything about whether he's innocent or guilty or anything. But they're not even mentioning the existence of the suit itself. Court schedules are public record and trials are open to the public, so how could mentioning the scheduling of a trial be actionable? It makes no sense. This is HUGE, and yet it's as if it's not happening at all. I especially can't imagine why Samantha wouldn't have mentioned it. She's not holding ANYTHING back in her blistering attacks on him. This should be catnip to her writing staff!

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I know, right?

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Any idjit going into business with Drumpf in any way only has themselves to blame when they get shafted on the payment, or left holding the bill. At this point it should be common knowledge that the tangerine taint never pays what he owes.

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well that`s just dandy. Prosecutors wanted a 15 year sentence, nice judge saw that here was clearly a sad sorry man, who obviously never got a chance in life so he gave little poor white boy 4 years instead. Yay justice, she is truly blind.(-ed by color)

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Actually, no.We haven't been billed yet though.

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Never mind

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GO TRIBE! That's an order.

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but once in the sack she was heard to crackit's all coming back to me now

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