Yes, agreed, obamacare needs some fixing. Worth noting that O didn't get the program he wanted, but instead took concessions to get the concept functional, HOW DIVISIVE! It's a shame no one likes it! Oh wait, they do? Yes, it's the only reason I have insurance. Less than perfect but far better than nothing.

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Some right-wing nitwit defended Williamson on the grounds that he was talking about killing women after they change the law to make abortion a capital offense, not killing women who have already had abortions.

There, now don't you feel better?

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Everything recent is recent again.

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Much like his real estate and casino plans, of all Trump's election era plans are failures, from the wall to ACA. May his failures continue.

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Beat me to it.

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But who cares as they sink their fangs into you? Those sweet, sweet, faith-based fangs!

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Along about 1942, practically every American was Antifa,

Well, OK, not Fred Trump.

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We're a pretty blue place. Last November we passed an almost $1 billion in 'City-structure' bonds. A new multi-million dollar rec center in Sun Valley a low-income neighborhood a few blocks from me (and where my local clinic is). Improved and new accessible sidewalks and running paths and dedicated, protected bike lanes in high traffic areas. New transportation options. All kinds of goodies! Unfortunately we're struggling with gentrification too, but trying to find a balance.

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I should read it again, if I don't go blind first.

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Semi-constructive response to your Semi-OT to the OT:Chrome has the option of "Mute Site" (right click the offending tab, select Mute Site) and it functions like the Mute Tab, but for every time you open the site.https://lifehacker.com/you-...

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OT (but is a healthcare issue): Remember Robyn's essay on Kevin Williamson?

It wasn't just a tweet: pic.twitter.com/8pONS0XLu3

— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) April 4, 2018<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.co..." charset="utf-8"></script>

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It's almost like starting as a local organiser and working his way up to Senator was better training for the job than being a multiply-failed businessman and foreign-controlled stooge.

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Not on a contract. It's a temporary contract with no benefits. No paid time off, no holidays (unpaid day off) and no insurance. They're the only jobs I've had in the last 10 years. It sucks rocks but most companies don't hire direct anymore. You hope to get picked up at the end of the contract but that didn't happen for me at the end of my last contract. Great company, absolutely loved me but couldn't get the headcount for an FTE (Full Time Employee)

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Wow. It's almost like Trump isn't that good at business or something.

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That's been their standard M.O. for decades... (sigh)

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I never signed up.

It always looked to me like a scheme to get me to undress in public and, believe me, neither I nor anybody else wants that.

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