Nationwide general #SitDown #StayAtHome strike! When Queens President A$$hole McSharpie intones, in his wheezy, nasal-y whine "The US Economy is OPEN"... Nobody goes back to work. Nothing happens. we ALL follow the WHO social distancing guidelines, and give a giant middle finger to Dear Leader. All you need to do is keep staying home. Who's with me? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Who has Covid-19. Hallelujah!

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S & L bailout of the early 80's started this rancid ball of the taxpayer covering bankers' markers rolling. My late father the real-estate investment banker said this set a terrible precedent. He wasn't wrong.

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Yep. We use his golf course at Mar-a-Lago as a cemetery for the Covid-19 dead. Just as the secretary of the interior, who lost a son in the Civil War, made the Lee home in Arlington VA a national military cemetery, for exactly that reason. He wanted to insure that Lee could never occupy the mansion again without being made to look out upon a sea of headstones.

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Also too, multiples more people died in car accidents in these United States, until Nader and others took up the challenge of getting the government to actually adopt safety regulations, so that teenagers didn't get propelled through non-shatterproof glass any longer, and babies didn't get ejected from vehicles rolling over at highway speed. The good old days that Trump no doubt fondly remembers, before "goverment regulations" ruined it so that only tens of thousands of people die in vehicular accidents, rather than hundreds of thousands of people. Stupid MFer is stupid.

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That he is, he wants India to be a Hindu ethnostate. No mooslems aloud!

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Yes, yes we are. We are following Italy's trajectory, and I confidently predict we will surpass Italy as the world's leading epicenter sometime this week.

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In related news, this very fish tank cleaner (hydroxyquinone) has increased substantially in price on eBay and Amazon. Wonder why?

Gotta say, I am just evil enough that the prospect of the Trump faithful dosing themselves with their version of Jonestown Koolaid does give me some schadefreude, then I think of the healthcare workers who have to then try and save their stupid, foolish asses. The wife of the stupid who took fish tank cleaner and died is in the ICU. Taking up space. Useless eater.

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Nah, it's SEMPER ubi sub ubi!

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I'm a dues-paying wonker, and my 90 year old Latin teacher taught me "semper"

Sevile se ergofortibus es in eronovile deus truxvatis inem causam dux

Gold star to the first old on this thread who translates the above correctly ;-).

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It's definitely characteristic of a cargo cult, which is what the trickle-down supply-siders are at this point. It's a cargo cult.

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We can, and must, multitask, while maintaining social distance. Social distancing makes multitasking of this sort easier.

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True story: Fox noise office in NY had people testing positive for covid-19 while their on-air talking heads were telling the gullible faithful it was all a DemonRAT hoax!

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Thank dog the internet is forever.

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Hey Jesse, you don't have to do either. No. Really. You don't. But go ahead if you wanna. Knock yourself out.


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I stole a screengrab of Hoarse Whisperer's tweet, and added it to the replies to a thread Jesse has about how HRC is having flashbacks. Told him to Fuck right off to Italy. Now.

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