A bin full of cauliflower.

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Due to looting the national treasury...

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Murdering your opposition probably fits in there somewhere.

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I have a family member who thinks it doesn't matter that Duterte is killing citizens, because they're bad people because drugs, right? He used to tell me that he watched Fox for the entertainment value. I'm thinking he's watched it too much at this point.

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The best part for me was when i learned that Duterte himself was an opioid addict (Fentanyl).

Allegedly he has quit, albeit Fentanyl addiction would go quite a way to explain his behaviour. Symptoms include confusion, paranoia, emotional instability with manic phases, bouts of euphoria with indifference to others...

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Ugh. Shocked at the gall but not surprised.

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Plus, you know, that whole "murdering people who have mental illnesses" is kind of genocidal.

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This is what Google says:

dic·ta·torˈdikˌtādər/nounnoun: dictator; plural noun: dictators1. a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.synonyms:autocrat, absolute ruler, despot, tyrant, oppressor, autarch "a regime that has survived under one dictator for more than forty years"

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Thank you for pointing that out. I thought they were Himalayans at first.

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This is also the guy who made the hardy-har joke about the blonde american missionary who got raped and killed by saying it made him mad that he couldn't have raped her first himself. Also, too, FIRST foreign head of state to congratulate Trump on his"win." Nice friends you got there, Donnie.

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This is why I no longer go "home" for Christmas. If home is where the heart is, then my heart's not in associating with assholes any longer. (for the record, my parents are gone, I've got no siblings, so it's all cousins I'm shunning)

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Yay. Now if we could just legalize killer weed in every. single. state.

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