..and baby Jesus

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And don't forget to tip your waitress!

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What does the fox say?

(I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry!)

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...you're winning in Alabama.

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the Britishers would be fine with TRump if he was all anglophile restrained and grifted the poors with his pinky properly extended and wore a shiney hat like the Queen. Given they currently are leading the world in expanding their income disparity they really, really need to STFU and fix their own economy.

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I'm British and I wish I could disagree. Our government is seriously right wing of late. Whilst most British people like to call themselves progressive most British people basically voted "fuck poor people" in last April's election.

We still want our reputation for being this soft haven of moderation but ultimately we voted to keep the rich as rich as possible. And now we're all embarrassed.

Disclaimer: I voted left wing. I'm allowed to say fuck you all you selfish bastards to my fellow Brits.

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Hey, Trump was just doing his standard act. That's the opening joke to his best tight five. He didn't misspeak, he just blew the setup. It goes like this:

Two Corinthians walk into a bar. The first Corinthian says to the bartender, "Let us have a couple of shots".The bartender says, "We only serve the Spirit of Christ here"The second Corinthian says, "Fuck that! What'd ya think we are, a couple of Jews?"

He usually kills with that in Iowa.

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I have 2 friends who went to Liberty because it has one of the best collegiate debate programs in the country. They're both intelligent and cool, non-asshole Christians. So it isn't ALL bad. Similarly, I knew a lot of kids who attended Oral Roberts U (grew up in Tulsa) because they got scholarships -- cool kids who were non-asshole Christians. Probably the minority in both cases, but still possible.

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sry, shouldn't have blanket snarked the whole population. But the financial and banking class has certainly contributed to the US .001%ers attitude of F-the workers, I got mine. Feature, not a bug you know.

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I think it says more about Jerry Falwell Jr. than is does about Trump. Everyone knows Trump is full of shit about his faith, but Falwell is completely willing to throw over everything he claims to stand for to support an unrepentant adulterer who runs several giant gambling dens. It won't hurt Trump, but I sure as hell hope it hurts Liberty "University".

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Also, too, in the studio or on the stage, knowing your gazintas from your gazoutas is crucial.

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Reference? No snark, I'm ignorant of this & would like to learn more.

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Trump can say what he likes, and he always does, but no, it's not his support base. "Silent" majorities are the unknown variable. Nobody knows how they vote because they mind their own business. People like to refer to them as "sheeple" but most of them are not - they just keep quiet. Many of them were raised to believe that it is not polite to discuss politics or religion in public, so they don't discuss them in public.

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Honestly don't know how mainstream the theories are, but wanted to read this book, as it sounded pretty interesting. My library didn't have it but I ended up getting one that supposedly put the books of the New Testament in the order they were written. Having been raised by people who totally believed every word of the Bible was dictated by God himself, the idea was novel. Anyway, I still need to find this Paul book, as there is plenty about his stuff I did not like, and this would explain a lot. The book: The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church's Conservative Icon, Marcus Borg, co—authored with John Dominic Crossan, 2009; ISBN 0-06-143072-2

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From your lips to FSM's ears. Hillz will crush him in the general. And please, Bernie lovers, I love Bernie too, & gave him munnies & everything, but he can't win in the general, no matter how fervently we would all wish it was so. Hillz can - so give me a break. Bernie's true value is pushing Hillz to the left and keeping her (slightly more) honest. As Rachel Maddow pointed out last night Nate Silver has Hillz vs Bernie at 80/20 in Iowa:


and Nate nailed all 50 states in 2012:


Also, too, if you check any of the betting sites, Hillz is favored at least 4 to 1 over anybody else:


And the oddsmakers have a far better record of predicting election outcomes than most pollsters:


Sorry to go on & on, but seeing that punchable face just winds me up. So, like the man says, you pays your money and you takes your choice. I know we're still ~10 months out and anything can happen, but I know who I'm betting on. ;-)

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2 Corinthians walk into a bar...

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