Golly Juan, it's almost like on your planet everything is totally different. I hope never to visit. But since you are here, let me extend you true Wonkette Hospitality. It's a little unusual, but here we greet people like yourself with waves of sarcasm, snark and occasionally facts. You appear to have been misled into watching Fox News. That is one of our comedy shows. The humor is very dry and very, very dark, but if you try real hard you can see that it's all just a ruse to amuse the perceptive and fleece the rubes. Don't feel bad, many people mistake Fox for an honest news channel, especially those who aredistracted by the worries of age or isolation. Try Your Wonkette for news that actually relates to what is happening here on planet Earth! You'll see, it's not so bad! There are cakes we like and other joys also too! Welcome.

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The Thick Orange Line. This is a workable treatment.

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I'm expecting a flameout - all the energy of a blowup but mostly flash with no substance. It's, as Mehmeisterjr says, his followers that concern me more.

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Drag racing is fun to watch, but there is usually a fence between the track and the audience...

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Say it again - Bernie's my senator, and I've voted for him every time and I am so pissed at him now.I'm a horsewoman, and my analogy is this. Bernie wants to ride that (Democratic) horse. He thinks he is entitled to. He won't feed the horse, or see that it's shod; he won't pay the vet bills or stand with the vet in a cold barn at midnight in January to find out what's wrong. He won't clean the tack, brush the horse, clean the feet or anything else that goes with. He will just ride the horse and then hand the reins over to the hired help to do the work.I will never vote for Bernie again.

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Wooooooooowwwww. That's just plain fucking crazy! Sounds like see tumpenfuhurs soul mate.

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You know I'm always amazed by how people feel threatened by change. The US government is so corrupt and most Americans are blind by it. You do know when Hillary speaks it is not her words, she has professionals writers choosing the words she speaks. A true politician that Americans have come to loathe. An opportunity presents itself to make change and yet people want to continue the path America is on. Why do you think the politicians want to keep Mr Trump out of office? Perhaps they are afraid of being exposed for all their corruptness?

Why is the Clinton foundation receiving money from all these Islamic countries? You don't think it's a payoff? You don't think favors are expecting something in return? Hillary says she's in favor of women and the gay community, yet she takes money from countries that don't support women or gay people. What stout this email scandal? If she did nothing wrong why did she attempt to delete them all?

I agree Mr Trump can be politically incorrect at times but many of his statements are thrown way out of context. Remember, he is raw, he has no one writing his speeches, he speaks from the hip which can been viewed as politically incorrect. He is not a politicaian (which is filled with lawyers) He never once said anything racist, this is a claim the Democrats have called every republican nominee, including Ronald Reagan.

Anyhow, if you truly want to take back your country, do some homework before you make your decision on who to vote for. I will leave you with this thought, why on earth would a 70 year old man with more than enough money need the headaches of a presidency? He does speeches from state to state, he is criticized for every word spoken, The politicians aka lawyers don't want their system of corruption changed, you as a voter should


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Oh, look, the bots are flirting with each other.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Dammit, Missed the original comment again. Probably won't make Shit Fer Brains. Party people, we have to start screenshooting the OP for those us following at home.ETA: Oh, noes. This Trumpanzee responded to a LORI DRIVES A McLAREN AD! HOW FUCKING H I L A R I O U S! ETA2: AND HE UPVOTED HIMSELF! Algorithm Fail.

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And "Stan" upvoted his own post.Skynet will be here sooner than we think.

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Last election cycle I got phone polled by someone's preteen daughter asking a bunch of questions about how I felt about Lynn Jenkins. No idea how they got my cell number.I was polite as could be, but I still kept interrupting her scripted speech to say I wouldn't vote for her.I felt very badly that someone would make her do this.

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He sounds nice.

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Maybe. Or maybe he's just a dumbass.

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The "fix," Berner? For serious?

Hmmmm.... let's see... on the one hand, we have Clinton, a candidate who has been a Democrat since college, who has worked her ass off to elect Democratic lawmakers, who has worked even harder to promote causes and organizations that support Democratic principles and goals, who has held both elective and appointed office as a Democrat, who has spent decades supporting other Democratic politicians and building relationships and support networks and coalitions both within and outside of the Democratic party, who worked hard to support Democratic candidates in down-ballot races with time and money, and who ran in 2008 and learned the lessons she needed to learn about campaigning from that experience...

And on the other hand, we have Sanders, a guy who has been a Democrat for 31 seconds, who was interested only in down-ticket campaigns if they endorsed him first, who has spent a good portion of his time dissing the party whose money, volunteers, energy, reach, and influence he wanted to use, and whose campaign has been openly hostile to anyone who didn't drink their Kool-Aid...

Hmmmmm that's a poser - who should Democrats support?

Well - everyone in Edie Morse's FB group supports Bernie and he's a guy and entitled, so for Clinton to take the nomination, it MUST be fixed, amirite?

Seriously... you twits should learn to logic.

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They deserve one another...with any luck, Lori will treat Stan and Catalina the way she's treated all of her dozens of other roommates, and we'll never hear from any of them again.

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