The only evidence of Cohen's loyalty to Trump is that Cohen claimed he was loyal. All his actions for Trump only indicate that Cohen knows where the money comes from.

MSNBC had a story about how Cohen came to Trump's attention. Cohen and his family bought 5 or 6 of Trump's condos. It is unclear where the money came from since Cohen was a pretty medium lawyer. But it was well known that Trump liked it when people bought his condos. It seems possible that Cohen has been playing Trump ever since and will flip on a dime.

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If Rosenstein is fired then Trump could replace him with someone who could control the investigation, at least to some extent. Of course that person might be joining a criminal conspiracy.

Same if Sessions is fired.

If Mueller is fired his team remains unless they are also got rid of. And there are other federal offices--in New York and New Jersey for sure--that are involved. The Cohen raid was done by the southern New York office.

Then there are the states, where Presidential pardons don't apply. Given all the money involved, I'll bet there are a lot of state money crimes.

Trump and his kind are always looking for simple solutions to complex problems and they've decided firing somebody is it.

It isn't.

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The good thing about Trump throwing people under a bus is that in many cases they can easily return the favor.

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Well, he is known for stroking pussy.....

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By my estimation, the three worst presidents we've had were Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, and Warren Harding (Andrew Johnson was never elected to be President - he took over when Lincoln died; I'm giving GWB a pass since he was actually re-elected). Trump combines the disinterest of Pierce, the pettiness of Buchanan, and the crony corruption of Harding into one awful package.

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And not just Tiffany....

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Put your thumb over his hair and he looks just like Rush Limbaugh.

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Just remember one thing, Trump had as a lawyer was Roy Cohn. Helped to groom a young DJT. He was his fixer.

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This is an interesting theory--and a cheering one.

I don't know much about Cohen. I have, however, bought the idea that Trump's inner circle is intensely loyal, absurdly loyal unto death. Like the mafia, but it's true even the mafia has snitches.

We'll see. I come up with a new theory/scenario three times a day and some don't last very long. At this exact moment, I'm convinced Trump will fire Mueller, the hue and cry will be deafening for a week, then we'll go back to grifty business as usual and all will be forgotten.

Seems highly likely to me tonight, but I may see it differently tomorrow. I do think Trump would get away with shooting Mueller on 5th Avenue. Whatever he did with Cohen will have to be worse to stick.

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I see an opening for Devon Nunes.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... It's only a matter of time...

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Drumpf's Commander In Chief hat.


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Trump canceled his trip to South America and is currently glued to Fox, according to Politico.

He'll do what those nice people at Fox tell him to do. They're his lodestar in a cruel world.

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I hope so. But I'm afraid we'll be seeing "I fired Mueller" hats instead.

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Drumpf would rather stroke Putin's cock.

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