I think people like that lash out over their fears of being wrong. They haven't learned that arguments aren't won with a loud voice...

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Not possible. Clinton is not psychotic, Trump is.

All beside the point anyway now that the whole world knows Trump is a nazi. Anybody still with him is too

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Yes, I totally agree with this.

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They weren't even about bidness, though. They were real estate courses.

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In all my 17 years of talking at students, that has never happened. But it helps if you do not bloviate on things where you think you might be shaky. The bigger problem is that students confuse "beliefs" and "opinions" and "feeeeelings" and anecdotes with knowledge. I'm willing to bet Trump's problem was in one of those categories as well.

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Imagine how much of a pain in the ass it must be to get their desk mounted name tags printed for the UN General Assembly get-togethers?

North Korea: "We want it spelled exactly the way it's written!"

Sal, UN Name Tag Makers Local 8899: "Seriously, is dis a fuckin' joke?"

North Korea: "No, this is our name you asshole!

Sal, UN Name Tag Makers Local 8899: "Yeah I don't know, you're gonna have to talk to my supervisor. I'm going on break."

North Korea: "Fuck!"

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By the time I took my required native plant ID course, I had been working on native plant restoration projects longer than my prof. had been alive. So, no problem there. It's the only thing I'm good at, and it's quite a useless skill, so no big deal, it was just kind of funny to me. I'm not claiming I didn't learn anything in that class, though, because I did. I had more practical knowledge, and he had more scientific knowledge, so it worked out great.

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Rex Tillerson might not be very good for much, but he has been immortalized for his apt description of Trump as a "fucking moron".

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I see it as his primary contribution to humanity.

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Sometimes, when I see a Dok phrase as fantastic and perfect that one, I want to print the piece out on paper, highlight the sentence and draw arrows pointing to it, and pin it to my wall.

It's just... magnificent.

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Trump is probably not a sekret Kenyan but he does resemble a certian Nigerian Prince.

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I just caught this (2 days later). That is hilarious! :D

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You also didn't come to school thinking you already knew everything, I'm sure. That's more of a social science and business thing. Hard to bluff your way through plant ID.

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I want more info (serious) on Trump's education. I know it cost Charles Kushner 2.5 mil to get Jarrod into Harvard. Payable in gradual installments of 250K- neither trusts the other. This way Jarrod can't be flunked after the whole slug has been paid. Can anyone imagine Trump reading a book about ANYTHING?

So how about it, no easy and fun satire. Investigative journalism !

Me? Fuck, I have been paid to write but I'm too lazy to investigate.

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And how bout this Reince Prebius or whatever it is. Dont sound kosher to me. Uh sorry I meant it does sound kind of kosher.

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"Groove is in the heart"

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