A back-in-the-days documentary on Plato's with their fond memories of The Donald would be a kick, not to mention a public service.

What did he eat from the buffet?

Was he good in bed on the soiled mattress?

Did that thing on his head participate?

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dumpy has turned our government into a giant clusterfuck. and the trumpeteers are cheering.

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Making a profit. That's everyone's only goal in life. According to Donald Trump.

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And I think Trump's obsession with profit is just a way to fill that gaping black hole of never being good enough, never satisfying Daddy's standards. I can't believe we've been sucked into this one man's psycho drama.

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"Your 5$F is pretty certain that nothing and no one is going to turn Afghanistan into a functioning country any time soon. The best we can hope for is to contain the leakier forms of Islamic Extremism in hopes that NOT AMERICA stays at a mild simmer and doesn’t boil over and affect us here in THE LAND OF THE FREE™️. Which is shitty and awful, and we don’t feel good about it."That same deplorable, despicable, morally bankrupt rationale has been used since 09/11/2001 to justify the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. "Better to fight them over there than here."To date, 199,631 Iraqi civilian men, women and children and about 72,000 Afghan civilian men, women and children have been killed and injured due to the US invasions and occupations.A report dated May 2, 2017, states:"Civilian casualties rose to 11,418 last year, the highest since the United Nations began keeping records in 2009."http://taskandpurpose.com/a...http://watson.brown.edu/cos...https://www.iraqbodycount.org/ https://uploads.disquscdn.c..."Afghan villagers sit near the bodies of children who were reported to have been killed during a NATO airstrike in Kunar province on April 7, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)"

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"Afghan villagers sit near the bodies of children who were reported to have been killed during a NATO airstrike in Kunar province on April 7, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)"https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"mild simmer", my ass:A report dated May 2, 2017, states:"Civilian casualties rose to 11,418 last year, the highest since the United Nations began keeping records in 2009."http://taskandpurpose.com/a...

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Exactly Dr. Watson got shot in Afghanistan in the original Conan Doyle stories which was the reason he was home in England and was rooming with Holmes. I could not fathom why W. wanted to go there in the first place Afghanistan's been a mess.

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Neither can I.

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Talk about a health plan with heart!! (well... heartplugs, at least.)

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How surprising that one of Trump's favorite restaurants has a bunch of lawn jockeys out front. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"We have reports of a Trump infestation in this restaurant. We have to assume his ass could have touched anything. At the least, you'll need to burn all the seat cushions."

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And don't sit on the toilet seat!

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I can't properly tell you how much I loathe those financial parasites. Nothing like working on a deal and learning there's a bloke from Goldman on both sides of the desk - and sometimes sitting at both ends, as well.

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"It's not a job; it's a career."

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