Bringing us together = Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer! Add Ein Kirk for good measure.

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Precious Canadian babby seals.

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And fingers, and mouth, and face, and fans and....

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What kind of organization allows their members to make a incendiary comments about people's ethnicity, culture, religion or race? Permits this same member to insult women? To brazenly mock other members and insult their spouses?

You have to remember, the modern GOP is the party who's base support is a buncha rabid racists sexist prigs who want to be told they are the superior race.The remainder of the party wanted to let him rile up the masses to make them look good, and then they could wink and nod about it and take over when he flatlined.That it backfired on them is something they are blaming on PCism, the liberal media, and of course, the democrats.

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Maybe he felt safe to come out as A Idiot on there? Who even knows?

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And voice!

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From what I've seen in Portland and San Francisco, most Conservagays participate in Democratic Party politics and actively try to make the party more conservative, as in the case of Scott Weiner and the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club in San Francisco (Yes, I know it wasn't *always* terrible, but this is 2016). They also tend to be the most involved in LGBT non-profits from the $$$ side, so they have a pretty major role in how those conservatized. It's why I don't do LGBT-specific politics at all anymore.

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Wow, that's fucked up

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Caitlyn Jenner might want to read up on that before she joins them. (You know she's a Republican too?)

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I'm stealing "lesbyterians" and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Sometimes, it's about perspective. Keep in mind that there was a time (not to long ago either) that people wouldn't have come out or wear the jewelry. As a result in another couple of years, you might be in a neighborhood were the crabby lady is treated with eviction for being a bigot and shoppers and grocers inspired by your fortitude are telling the cart-ramners where they can stick their breaded zucchini if they crash carts again.)

I'm just saying that while you might be apprehensive, I don't think you are fearful (often living your life openly and honestly can be the one of the greatest acts of courage. It must be since there seems to be few people who have the guts to do it.) You do your own bravery a disservice by denouncing your own victories (even if it's just standing in defiance of their appalling ignorance and challenging their own expectations by simply existing within their sphere.)

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"Well, I know my frat buddies are raping some roofied unconscious chick in the next room, but heck, that's them not me, so I don't have anything to do with it. Oh well, i'm sure will giggle about how much 'fun' they had with her tommorow. Anyway I wonder if there's any Bud American Ale in the fridge?"

For some odd reason, Otter's blind-eye theorum made me think of that little scenario. I don't know why...

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Mostly because Macy's dumped his line of cheap crap. But go on continue.

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Yeah are you deregulating vehicle emmision standards or giving companies subsidies and tax break for overseas labor, Mark? Huh ARE YOU? So, ha-ha you're obviously a hypocrite for driving an ITaxi and NOT doing any of those things.

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"I do not have to prove it. He says one thing, then says another, then a third the next day. Surely you have noticed this?"

Which I could have sworn qualified as proof. I guess in the dork recesses of the Internet that Otter comes from, it's not proof unless it's delivered in a 50 part Power-Point presentation.

That being said, Jen, can you just leave the poor boy alone? He's already twisted his logic so much that it's starting to form impenetrable knots that he's tripping over. Just pat him on the head head and congratulate him on not making a stinky in his pa....oops spoke too soon. Never mind.

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