Please pardon my spelling error. I have been partaking in Canada festivities with a few beers, so oops, sorry.

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So, how do you pronounce your last name? (Asking for a friend who is definitely not a telemarketer. No sirree Bob.)

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Okay, my guilty pleasure is The Fifth Element. There is a lot of stupid stupid in this movie, but, when Leeloo steps out on the ledge, and we see 23rd century NYC laid out looking like a 40's pulp magazine cover come to life, complete with flying cars, I fell in love.

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As a gay friend used to say about straight males who feared being hit on in the rest room, "Don't flatter yourself."

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Why let any of those big shots get their hands on it and skim most of the profits off the top? We can do this ourselves. My Dad's got a barn we can use.

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I had a Nixon watch (I detested Nixon, but loved the watch). The eyes shifted back and forth, and under N's face, it said "I'm not a crook." I had a big party, and someone stole it. That was traumatizing.

ETA: Of course they're still around: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ric... I could have one if I truly desired it.

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It is kinda weird to be a Hillary supporter in the South. Wearing my Hill gear identifies me as one of the good ones, but I don't dare wear it to the gun store or range.

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Its interesting that the middle Penn/Ohio are leaning red, while the west coast seems to be creeping a solid line of blue up into Colorado.

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Most annoying late notice I got was one where they refused to tell me what account it was or how much it was late by. They're not allowed to volunteer information, but it was my spouse's account and he just forgot to tell me to pay it while he was deployed, so we were playing a silly game of "guess what the bill is for".

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Well, maybe. Or maybe he thinks the way they're saying it out loud is unseemly.

I truly don't have a grudge on for him - on balance, he's brought more pleasure than anything else to my life - but I'm not sure there's anything I know about him that proves he's not acting like a dodgy old tory because he's got a dodgy old tory streak.

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An Apache friend said the Apache language is very much like that. So I guess it's possible?

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They're trying to hijack a computer and make your father pay for "protection" software. There are videos of people fucking with these bastards in funny and creative ways on youtube. These guys are fucking scum so I'm not surprised they just kept calling.


I haven't seen any of the videos listed but there tons that are informative as well as funny.

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Or maybe because he's responsible for a dreadful cartoon?

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So do I. I also love the Fast and the Furious movies, even Tokyo Drift. I have a weakness for big stupid action movies in general. The more stupid the better.

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