Just imagine if we had this sort of leadership during the rise of Hitler. We'd have completely undermined the British.

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It strains the meaning of leadership. Its more a free for all or runaway train.They say that shit just happens and that is exactly how this administration runs, it just happens.

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Electrocuted ... hmm maybe shocked, but not that shocked. :)

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Too hippie, hasn't kissed Trump's ass enough.

Kid Rock, on the other hand.....

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Dude, have you seen the prices of top-end iPhones lately?

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Nikki Haley.

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The US would have stayed strictly neutral. No Lend-Lease for either Britain or Russia, no convoy protection; England would have been overrun easily, north Africa as well, and with the Suez unavailable the Japanese would have taken India. Russia would probably have fallen since the entire weight of the German army could have been thrown against it.The Japanese might not have attacked Pearl, since Hitler would have ordered the US to stay out of their affairs. The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere would have been established with great ease. The US would have ended up a client state of the Reich; I imagine it would have been taken over after a while, with a sort of shrug of inevitability.

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I think we would have been more friendly to the Nazis--not actually going to war against the British or Soviets, but willing to sell supplies to the Nazis and extend diplomatic recognition to their vassal states. And that probably would have meant sending our own naval convoys across the Atlantic to trade with Hitler.

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Ukranium Two: Biden Boogaloo.The sequel no one wants to see.

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Hunter is not Joe, it’s true. But Hunter makes Joe blackmailable. Also, just for funsies, can we not nominate the hairsniffer? I don’t care how articulate, bright and clean he is.

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If OHJB gets the nom we will be hearing about this CONSTANTLY. It'll be 2020's 'But her emails!'

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It'd be nice if we, at least us on the left, could learn and not give this shit legs. Of course that is wishful thinking, if anything we got dumber.

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And let's face it, tRump's Twitter-regularity shows no signs of constipation.

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The media will be "just asking questions" and wasting so much print on such an obviously planted scandal that a big chunk of voters will decide both sides are corrupt, but at least Trump is honest about his corruption.

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HER EMAILS!!!!!!!11!!1

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@SFNY:disqus RIP Gothamissed, I missed the last post before the pages were wiped. Are there any plans for a newsletter/tumblr/reddit?

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