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What a moran.

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Gee lucky Palin endorsed trump, wow that really paid off for him did'nt it?

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That is brilliant, and love the voice.

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Like his hairline?

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Thank you, my S.O.'s patronus is much classier and much less yoooge than that pie hole o' his

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Der! You fixed it for Donnie's twitterfinger!

But apparently has filed for bankruptcy twice with OPM.

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A horse walks into a bar and the bartender goes, "why the long face?"

And the horse goes "I had to ride home from the Olympics strapped to the top of the plane."

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thanks! I thought the Iowa Caucus didn't predict much for the repugs. Doesn't the Donald realize that it doesn't show much class when you answer to every butthurt? (that's a rhetorical question, another which is not supposed to be answered, except when it's funny and or snarky to do so.)

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I'm so sorry for your loss! I couldn't imagine, at any age...

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I'm not American so I'm not really understanding what this list is showing. What is the issue with Bush winning in 1980? And how come some years list nominees from both parties and some don't?

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"nice rack you got there Cruz! It would be a shame...."

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OMG! ur a geeeeneeus! A card game based on Mille Bornes using all the dog whistle quotes as hazards as one attempts to get to the white house (or to the store to buy cigarillos or sell loose cigarettes or play with a plastic pistol on the playground, or take a walk in their upscale neighborhood while pigmented....)

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I'm not American so I'm not really understanding what this list is showing. What is the issue with Bush winning in 1980? And how come some years list nominees from both parties and some don't?

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