I despise the concept of having to answer complex questions in 15 seconds (has any contestant ever been asked how to resolve the israeli-palestinian conflict ?) But I do appreciate when a contestant manage to give a thoughtful answer in a short time.

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I truly wish we could have a Julia Sugarbaker run for president. I aspire to rant as eloquently as she did.

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[snark, mang]

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a comedian had a monologue about how unfair it was for his girlfriend to argue with him once they were buck nekked.

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[my avatar likes how that acronym sounds. Like mmm...mmaga(followed by a drooling sound.)]

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why not both? or AOT,K?

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to think that very thing blackballed Eartha Kitt's career back when she expressed such a view to LBJ within the lifetime of some of us.

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Kushner: "I'll take that one!"

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I believe feminism means if she can twirl those sticks well, and chooses to twirl those sticks, twirl those sticks she shall, and let noone tell her otherwise.

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DON'T TELL DONALD TRUMP!!!!! He's gonna barge into their locker room and grab them by the pussy!

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do ya think she may also be getting death threats from fans of King Arthur who mistake her for his half sister?

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I was actually thinking "if a girl already had to answer this question, maybe she could work for Jared Kushner."

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the skin looks so realistic (the hair not as much, just like in real life.)

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[ba dum tish!]

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They are.

My otherwise intelligent friend, currently living in Japan. Was all, "the evil media are manipulating these beauty contestants into being anti-trump."

Also something about how the Klingons in the new Star Trek are supposed to be Trump supporters, so he can't watch Trek anymore. I tried to point out that Klingons have always been a representation of extreme conservatism, and that if he doesn't want to watch new Star Trek, there are plenty of better reasons than that. Like how it looks like hot garbage in the previews.

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The problem is someone is telling her otherwise. This is a holdover from the whole "well-rounded young lady" bullshit that says a woman's highest accomplishments are her beauty, fashion sense, ability to hold polite conversation, good works, and some random artistic talent. I wouldn't actually care--beauty pageants gonna beauty pageant--except that the Miss America Pageant, appallingly, is the largest women's scholarship program in the country, and this is how they judge it. So, no, sorry, feminism does not mean my livelihood is dependent on outmoded definitions of femininity. Because otherwise, what's the fucking point of feminism.

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