It's more like he and DeVos want to kill teachers.

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And so it goes.

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That was Major Kong. Trivia: Sellers was supposed to play that character, as he did Strangelove, the group captain, and the president, but thanks to an injury, the part was given to Slim Pickens.

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"... the benefits of in-person learning are worth reopening the schools."

Shouldn't that be "...are worth DYING FOR."?

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Trust me, we know, we just get out-voted by the Winger Death-Cult.

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They opened safely, because they wore masks, and did the work to get there.

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Tell Fukui, he can make a bot to do it.

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She never went to public school her parents were wealthy.

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*Hugs* Esme.

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I kind of feel your angst about this. One of my siblings is a teacher and she teaches one of the lower grades, you know, young enough to still pick their nose and wipe it on whatever is handy including a friend. Her husband’s job is a commission based one and there’s not much coming in these days so she’s kind of it right now. She’s really worried about it all. I’m sending hope, luck and mojo.

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In high school (we had about a hundred students in each grade), we had one popular teacher drop dead from a stroke, and kids were grieving and in shock all year.

What the actual fuck is gonna happen when the teachers start dropping because they've been infected by their asymptomatic students?

Lifetime PTSD, as a sort of lagniappe on the destruction of education and of people?

Also, we've had problems with class size for something like fifty years now, and it hasn't gotten better. These oblivious fuckwits think that they're gonna somehow get more teachers signing up to take classes? They're gonna find more buildings to spread out into?

And finally: there are reports of long-term neurological sequelae among the low-impact plague survivors, the ones who got off light. Send your kids to the leper colony for instruction while you're off working at a job that isn't available! Fun times!

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drumpf: ...and if you're worried about having your kids attend the plague factory, just do what I did and pay some poor kid to take their place.

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Just another one of Trump's quid-pro-quo extortion schemes in order to get what he thinks will help him politically. I think it took the Ukraine scandal and impeachment for me to really see it, but it's been his entire presidency. Just one pressure and extortion scheme after another in order to get his way—before it was with the governors and re-opening to "get the economy going again," now it's parents and students and teachers who have to pay with their lives or lose funding.

Fucking can't wait until we get rid of this guy holy shit

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Dok, I am surprised that you did not choose to go with a still of the cast of School-Live! I mean, they just seem like a perfect fit for the topic at hand.

For those who don't know and are curious (minor spoilers ahead): School-Live! follows the members of the School Living Club in their happy days at school -- or at least that's the opening. By the end of the first episode you realize the POV character (the pink-haired girl with the hat in the trailer below) has retreated into a fantasy to avoid seeing that her school is a derelict building and her clubmates are the only living students there, the rest having succumbed to a zombie plague.

I mean, that just seems to fit with Trump's whole head-in-the-sand approach to this.


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I love trivia!

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It's scary all around. Sigh. Good luck to your sib.

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