I believe that is the old system. The new one is based on how many people have immigrated from a country. The more immigration in the past? The fewer are permitted to immigrate now.

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Pfffftt! Chickenfeed. The yam ain't nearly as rich as he claims to be.

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Naw, I believe we used actual fire on the bitch...

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So he finally shows a real policy plan and it is illegal, impractical and based of false presumptions. We have a winner folks. Dumb Donald proves to be the dumbest.

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Dude it's a CIVIL PENALTY, not criminal. Your idea not only rises to Gestapo levels but it wouldn't even WORK.

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it’s dubious whether the anti-terrorism provisions of the Patriot Act can be stretched to cover non-terrorists’ money transfers

LOL, surely we've all learned by now that you're a terrorist if a Republican (or a conservative Democrat) says you are.

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Complete and utter hogshit...give me examples of mass in-person voter fraud. Go ahead, I'll fucking wait racist...

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Probably that's because Lithuanians used to be like Cubans, refugees from Der Kommunismus, and no-one bothered changing the law after 1991.

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I bet we could (ahem)"force" Mexico to pay for a wall around Trump. A yuuuge one, no doors, even!

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I'd like to have a serious dialogue with you my friend. I will explain the concepts of logic, cause and effect and practical reality to you. You can describe to me, in great detail, what it is like to be too stupid to pour piss out of a boot.

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It'll be a long wait.

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Not sure if you are serious,, but if you are, how is it that "the funds won't be sent there"? The MO is a negotiable instrument, it IS "the funds," just like cash. Put it in an envelope and mail it, the "funds" are now in Mexico. Does Drumpf embargo the mail? Viajeros already make a living hand-carrying remittances. Does Drumpf make the dollar nonconvertible, so that the MO can't be cashed in Mexico? Doing that would crater the economy so badly you'd never find the pieces, assuming America's creditors didn't sue us into oblivion. (Not that this would stop Drumpf, I'm sure he'd think he could "deal with them.")

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If I wanted to waste my time over such meaningless horseshit, I could come up with lists of ardent, bred in the good 'ol USA, asshole Trump supporters who are violent, assaultive sexual predators. So what? And I'm even granting that the picture you posted represents some sort of reality, when the likelihood is that it was ginned up by a fucking racist Goebbels acolyte with Photoshop and too much time on his hands. Go fuck yourself.

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But most of our other wars since 1950 or so have been exercises in vanity and blood lust. Don't tell me the Viet Namese benefited from our invasion.

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zzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzz! I think you've hooked a big'un!

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That's the history of the US for centuries. Immigrants do the grunt work and provide the scientists and engineers.

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