I'm sure it was because of emails or birth certificates or something.

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She was smart. She's up for reelection in November.

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it's nice they listed her color on the little cardboard sign thingy, otherwise I'da swore she was an illegal immigrant.

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I dunno. I looks like he already has 3 or 4 of 'em stuffed in there.

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Without a knowing for sure, I'd guess that was Washington State Senator Doug Ericksen, who tRump named as part of his transition team for environmental issues, and who was rumored to be in line for director of the EPA Region 10 office. Just the kind of turkey this administration loves.

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Yes we are carbon based lifeforms, that doesn't mean that we can subsist on carbon dioxide and actual carbon.

What? Don't believe me? Well then go ahead and do just that, that will show me!

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Wow, Sheldon Whitehouse turns me on. Then again, brainy is beautiful.

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Right, tax cuts won't stimulate much additional investment. Market gains were for more profits by paying less taxes. Market got too optimistic, and is now trying for a more realistic future.

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"And it matters because warmer oceans are bad news for luxury golf resorts in Florida, and even less important things, like fisheries, coral reefs, and your average flooded coastal cities.

I read it as "And it matters because warmer oceans are bad news for luxury golf resorts in Florida, and even less important things, like fishies, coral reefs, and your average flooded coastal cities."

And I asploded in laughing. It must be that funny cigarette I smoked that causes dyslexia.

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Apparently, I am the problem.

Try as I might, I have never understood the part of human nature that compels so many people to watch other people play a game, and invest themselves to to such extremes upon the outcome of that entirely inconsequential event.

Of course, I understand that football (both the worldwide statistically "real" kind AND the rugbyesque American knockoff) is big business, generating (or extracting, depending on your viewpoint) somewhere around eleventy gazillion dollars annually. What I wonder about though, is how have we arrived at this state?

The tin foil hat part of me suspects that it's the result or corporate efforts to monetize and nurture the genetically ingrained human tendency towards tribalism. If I can convince you that your regional sportsball team is inherently superior to their regional sportsball team, then it's just a small step from there to separating you from your money, whether directly in the form of ticketed attendance, parking and concession sales, or indirectly in the form of pass-through advertising costs on things you were going to buy anyway. The game itself is irrelevant to that model; developing the devoted fan of team X is critical.

Think of it this way; if it was really, really important to get that ball from here to there, if doing that would improve people's lives, promote economic prosperity, increase their standard of living, provide quality heath care for everyone and ensure wise custodianship of natural resources while not destroying the planet, then the Eagles and the Patriots would have cooperated in moving that ball, and the SuperDuperPooperBowl would have been over in less than 30 seconds. There's no drama, conflict or short-term profit in that though, so of course it's just a fringe idea. Actually, it's all good; I'm already looking forward to watching next year's milquetoast Superbowl commercials on the YooToobs.

So yeah, blame me. I am personally responsible for today's market crash. And no, I am NOT going to reimburse your portfolio, nor offer comfort and solace to Patriots fans. Millions of you probably feel guilty enough for calling in "sick" from your job Monday morning anyway, so I won't rub salt in your wound. Even though your betacuck regional sportsball team failed to assert it's superiority over that other regional sportsball team, whose members are all unaccountably nicknamed "Chad".

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Angela. I will forgive myself for not looking into this. Also, you lie like a Trump.

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A point worth remembering if you happen across one of those weird homeopathy people who blather on about 'water memory.'

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Big Truck , little penis.

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Holy carp! Down over down over 1,000 today. That's real bad. Maybe not historically bad in terms of percentages, but still pretty bad. I bet that Obama's behind it somehow.

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Trump was probably looking for a candidate that actively wanted to hunt down and arrest climate scientists, and Kathleen was too much of a pussy to get the job done.

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Maybe those folks in Ohio talking about the stuff they'll get with their one time bonus ought to wait a little bit.

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