Well, he's only a 12-bit dictator, so the next lawsuit should cause a stack overflow...

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Poppers aren't illegal. Errr... I mean, room odorants.

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is it possible that every time they file this bill they are told you're making 2 liberal courts where once there was one! ABORT!!! and then they decide to punish the damned dirty liberals that file in the court by making everything take longer?

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I looked for a story on it. Other speakers include Rick "Voldemort" Scott, Ted Cruz, and KellyAnne Conway is doing a special women's presentation.

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Jonny 5?

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“The language could not be any clearer. I mean, the language on the ban, it reads so easy that a reasonably good student in the first grade will fully understand it. And they don’t even mention the words in their rejection on the ban,” Trump said.

It doesn't matter how clear the language is. There are any number of laws, regulations and orders with crystal-clear language that the courts have struck down because they're unconstitutional. The judge didn't "even mention the words" because he wasn't ruling on how beautiful your words are; he was ruling on whether they're constitutional.

Fun fact: One of the precedents that judge relied on was the Supreme Court case that, while upholding Obamacare, ruled that it was unconstitutional for the federal government to cut off funds to states in furtherance of a policy goal unless Congress authorized it. Did any of the people who are howling about the unelected tyrant in black robes in San Francisco even notice the irony?

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And if he had been a white, American-born NRA member, the right wing probably wouldn't even have wanted him to be charged.

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First trying to silence dissention in the press, now trying to silence dissention in the courts.Is it a fascist dictatorship NOW?

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Yeah, but its hard to make a Top40 hit with a title like, "Woman is the Nigger of the Earth". Great song tho.

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Notice that he didn't claim the smartest people think sanctuary cities are a disaster. He said "talented" which usually applies to entertainers. I'm pretty sure most entertainers reject his claims too.

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When you are in an echo chamber, it can sound like everyone is agreeing with you.

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It's almost as if Donnie doesn't mean what says when he declares something.

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Point taken. Let's move it down to 5.

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Some words were mentioned, IIRC. The term 'sanctuary cities' was called out as a term used without being defined. That's kind of a problem before you even get to the legality of the cutting of federal funds. Imagine, for example, going to Starbucks and ordering 'a hot drink'. Now what?

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Yes, I have to remember that. Mr. Cat Cafe often points that out to me.

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