Oh sure, make me regret catching up on stories I missed.

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It's always the black guy's fault

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Save that pup!

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You got the dick sucking AG you wanted Dotard and you’re just mad that he uses his teeth. Too bad. He’s a yours. However, when he says, “We’ll see”, that usually means he’s about to fire someone. Or at least try.

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Sounds like it to me. Guess his buddy Putin’s that cat outta the bag early, huh?

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And they're the ones with the ICBMs.

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No one in the military has to obey an illegal order. Although the Christo-fascists in the Air Force are scary.

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bold hot

It worked!!!! THANKS!!!

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The operative word there is "guess".

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Sessions and his hick voice are unqualified to run a one-lawyer operation in the city of Inbred, Ala., according to Trump.But Trump also only hires the best people, folks. The very, very best. Just tremendous and beautiful people. Lots of people are telling me that.

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He also conflates trade deficits with other nations with the nation's budget deficit. I've seen quotes where he actually said that.Then a couple of days ago he said that the tariffs would be "bringing in so much money." I took that to mean bringing in money to the government. But who knows what the fuck Giant Orange Douche means when he says his idiot things?He may think it goes into his bank account. And if there's any way possible, it will.

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How many of his supporters do you suppose watched that interview and said, "Good God he's getting crazier than we ever thought but we can't let on to the libtards that we were conned bigly. Pass me my MAGA hat."

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Also, there was a distinct lack of illegal Messicans hijacking those planes. But that's just irrelevant details.

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Nah, he knows Sessions is doing other stuff. He's just so sad because he thought he'd been promised a personal slave type attorney general, his own Roy Cohn at the helm of DoJ protecting him.

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i've always believed and i still believe that trump genuinely thinks that when sessions recused himself from the russia investigation that he recused himself from running the doj completely. i have 100% confidence that trump really does believe there's no attorney general and that sessions isn't doing anything at all but collecting a salary. it explains why he's so pissed and bewildered that he can't fire him. trump really is that dumb.

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Why does Sessions not act on Trump's accusations of conspiracy? Why doesn't he resign like Trump wants him to? Well, when Trump continues to make personal attacks, especially calling him stupid, Sessions might take offense at that. Might even retaliate by ignoring Trump's calls.

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