Whores and Donald Trump is kind of redundant.

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Serious props for Senator Graham for providing therapeutic LOLs for many, many cell phone users. Even seriouser props for Wonkette commenters, who are Not Allowed. Damn, that was funny.

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Or the Dies Irae from Verdi's Requiem.


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I always give a mental thumbs-up when Graham does or says something reasonable. Maybe my way of saying, "more of this, please".

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Or Kim Carnes "Don't Pick Up The Phone".

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Gloria Gaynor?

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1, 2, 12, 8

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My own phone LIBEL!

I get enough shit about this from my own kids.

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Mr Graham? Verizon on line 2, with a question about your insurance claim.

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Ah, Mean Joe Green.

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Your peanut butter in my chocolate? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

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Somebody paid $160 for my old StarTac on ebay, so you might be on to something.

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Does NOT blend - at least, not with a cheap-ass blender (0:28).

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It's possible that Lindsay didn't give Trumpy his business or personal phone #....Trumpy got his rube phone.

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and miss lindsey's not a half bad actor.

you go girl!

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