Thanks Dok.

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Some of those children, who came here in the 2014-2015 exodus may have been reunite with their parents, who were here illegally, and they're just not responding to the follow-up because they don't want to be known, but that can't account for all of the children.

Separating families is nothing short of state sponsored terrorism.

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And lose all this publicity?? Obvs, that's what they SHOULD do, but they won't. This is a freakin goldmine for them.

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I hit a paywall, but WAPO is running a story about how NOW, Rosanne is trying to blame Wanda Sykes for "throwing her under the bus".

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Sadly true. It hurts my soul that social media companies, and others, are making crazy money peddling hate.

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Thanks, Dok. Breathe deeply.

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May the orange one's grandchildren disown him. May his digits shrivel and his hair fall out in giant clumps. May his clothing be infested with lice.

Also "To be fair, Trump thinks ‘what you do for the least of these’ was a line from Karl Marx." reminds me of someone. A minister who cherry picks for her definitely socialist tendencies. You really can cherry pick from The Bible for anything you want.

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If the one on the right is Karma, is the one on the left Dharma, or Dogma? Either way, I want them both!

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Of course it was controversial. Ted Williams was white, while DiMaggio was barely European. Next you're going to tell me that Mariano Rivera was a better closer than Jonathan Papelbon or John Rocker.

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Thanks Dok for making short work of that web of bullshit. This administration thrives on amphiboly and ambiguity to the point where even reasonably intelligent and well meaning people begin to rail against their own self-interests.

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Micromanaging the gubmint because he is a idiot and doesn't know better....

Nope, didn't make anything better, saying that.

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"These socks are sure swell, Grandma, but I want the fucking pony."

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Thanks for this. I've seen a bunch of messed up stuff put out there even by well-meaning people.

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next you're going to suggest that law enforcement accompany them on first contacts which may be violent! HARRUMP!

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"Turned in his fellow Jews AND THEN STOLE THEIR WEALTH." As, you know, Jooz do.

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Oh shit! I've still got my battle gear in storage! Nobody told me the war was starting early this year

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