Yes, but what about the thousands still streaming in?
Next time, he'll draw crowds by offering expired 2 for 1 entree coupons at Applebee's...
Garrison Keillor wrote something along these same lines...even if he's President, he'll always be viewed as the shitback from the Bronx (or wherever he's from...) I'm paraphrasing, of course.
I saw that, and I noted the aviator made me wonder if it was actually Melanoma or a stand-in.....
He used the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Sounds like someone needs a nap and a pacifier!
Queens, I believe.
His sad life will only get sadder.
Weak. SAD!
Saddest presidential family ever!SAD!
Highly likely. Some of the few people who actually get paid by Trump. YOU BETCHA!
PS: Just had to sneak that homage to Palin in. Sorry, but it was too tempting.
And probably not out of the realm for Trump fan Roger Stone.Ugh, just typing that name gives me the creeps!
Good question!
MSM business model: $$$ over facts/reality. Must. Enhance. Bottom. Line. At all costs.
tRump just needs a great opening act to draw huge crowds...perhaps President Obama?
I will be looking. Hope I catch it.
Next time, he'll draw crowds by offering expired 2 for 1 entree coupons at Applebee's...
Garrison Keillor wrote something along these same lines...even if he's President, he'll always be viewed as the shitback from the Bronx (or wherever he's from...) I'm paraphrasing, of course.
I saw that, and I noted the aviator made me wonder if it was actually Melanoma or a stand-in.....
He used the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Sounds like someone needs a nap and a pacifier!
Queens, I believe.
His sad life will only get sadder.
Weak. SAD!
Saddest presidential family ever!SAD!
Highly likely. Some of the few people who actually get paid by Trump. YOU BETCHA!
PS: Just had to sneak that homage to Palin in. Sorry, but it was too tempting.
And probably not out of the realm for Trump fan Roger Stone.Ugh, just typing that name gives me the creeps!
Good question!
MSM business model: $$$ over facts/reality. Must. Enhance. Bottom. Line. At all costs.
tRump just needs a great opening act to draw huge crowds...perhaps President Obama?
I will be looking. Hope I catch it.