"Faster, harder, deeper - oh, faster, harder, deeper!!!!!"

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May it be so. IF our watchdogs, the "Liberal Media", can tear themselves away from chasing after the latest nothingburger tossed out by the Right (think tan suit, butter emails, Burisma, Solyndra, haircut-on-the-tarmac ad nauseum) to take a hard look at some real scandal, that is.

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I declare Lady G and her ladybugs are positively cantankerous lately

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Or he can stay in, either is fine with me, as long as he is not in Congress.

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Anyone notice the story that he regularly hires escorts seems to have died?

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Craig Unger wrote a whole book about it. Sarah Kendzior wrote two.

She also told Seth Meyers she is afraid for her kids and fights the fights that need fighting.

She also agrees with me that *why* those topics aren't getting wider exposure is itself a topic perhaps worth more investigation.

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I am imagining Lindsey presiding over these hearings wearing a monocle and an Easter bonnet.

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As a gaymo-sexual-American, at age 30, the mere thought of dating someone, say... 23 or younger exhausts me. Which is why I count my blessings my boyfriend started dating me when he was 29 and I was 22....Hey, wait a minute!

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I'm reminded of the time Senator "lesser Ivy" Ted born-in-Canada Cruz was law schooled by Sally in the last days of our Wiemar Republic.

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Graham's going for the gold. Benghazi set a high bar, but Lady G is determined to break the record.

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Anyone else hope one of the subpoenaed asks Lady G about his ladybugs?

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Give Lindseybelle a magnolia and a mint julep. Then send him home.

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I'd heard that, just not in the context of "high dander". Interesting.

GENERAL HETH: Well, sir, they wouldn't leave. My boys got their dander up. ~ Gettysburg

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Yeah I have Unger’s and Kendzior’s books lined up on the bedside table.

Did she give any indication at all as to why she thought these links between Trump and organized crime weren't being covered?

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Awesome! Thank you for that. I watch a lot of Seth but missed her somehow. She’s smart and brave. Luke Harding also has a book I haven’t read yet about Trump’s life as a criminal.

Considering what he is capable of I get worried that people think the election is going to fix things. My belief is that there is almost no chance he will leave if he loses. He can’t afford the exposure to potential prosecution that will come when he’s no longer POTUS.

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