Most of the alt-right, as they now tastefully call themselves, have never been near the border. That's they only reason they can hold their erroneous ideas. Most of them also are blissfully unaware that much of the U.S. Southwest used to be part of Mexico.

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If Il Douche thinks he's going to start his ICE Storm Trooper Division with Sheriff Arpaio's posse, he's in for a surprise. Most of them are septuagenarians from Sun City who drive their County-issue cars with the blinkers on, drop their eyeglasses when they're trying to pull side arms out of their holsters, and have to take a lot of time off for doctors' appointments.

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That is pretty funny.

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"Quotas" is the word he didn't use.

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Only after he's decided to trade her in for a younger model/

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What I'm the sickest of is the lapdog "pundits".

And here I'd thought for 20 years that their antics at the 1996 Olympics rendered me as disgusted with the chattering class as I could get. Who knew!

BTW, the inability of the visiting "journalists" to remain sober after about 10:00 a.m. every day was a reliable source of hilarity from the spectators, whom the chatterers probably hated the most of all.

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A little like people with incomes under 7 figures who believed in "trickle down economics", even after what trickled down to them was warm, yellow and smelled slightly of ammonia.

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But it's consistent with the curiously unobservant but reliably popular belief that if you're just very, very careful, eat a mind-numbingly boring diet and exercise till your yoga pants fall off -- you won't ever die.

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Godwin and Occam's are among those commonsense principles that people confuse with immutable laws of physics. Sometimes the simplest explanation is nothing more or less than the one most people want to believe.

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Either it's a civil offense or a criminal offense. People are always wanting to have it both ways and never learn.

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Every impending birthday should make her nervous. No way he'll keep her around a nanosecond after the boobs, belly & bottom start to sag.

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No; USCIS does not call it "catch and release." Your hero isn't exactly the best source of information about Federal policies.

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Godwin's law has nothing to do with aptness. It only states that the longer an argument goes on, the more likely it is that one of the arguers will bring up Hitler. It says nothing about whether it's okay to do it, and certainly nothing about "winning" the argument. That's all other people's embellishment.

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Someone is going to have fun editing the sound from one of Hitler's speeches to video of Trump at a rally.

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Are you sure they yelled "string her up" and not "Sieg Heil!"? because, really, both are definite exclamations that can come from Trumpistas.

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"conniption" has an unlikely air of daintiness about it, without the foaming at the mouth, rolling of bloodshot eyes, roaring and rampaging that will accompany Il Douche's final public moments.

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