Dr. Z: My bad! Please help me out here. When mixing metaphors, should they be shaken or stirred?

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Perhaps The Donald's is <i>a Trumpit</i>

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And Trump always senses common ego.

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If he believes what he's saying, Trump should agree to the following: - Obama should be deported - military forces should not obey Obama's orders - Chief Justice John Roberts should be impeached for swearing Obama into office

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Just about. He said he wanted to leave his son the company and maybe he would someday have a son, carrying on the tradition.

...of cutting grass. In Maine.

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Actually, he hates the 90% who aren't rich.

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I actually look forward to a Trump presidency. I think every country should have its own Baby Doc Duvalier.

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<i>Donald Trump is not your ordinary businessman</i> for which I am incredibly thankful. If he was, the US would have gone the way of Enron.

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"He’s not just throwing stones, you know — from the sidelines. He’s digging in there.” - Duh Guv'Nor.

In my neck of the woods (as opposed to necking in the woods, which I've been all for since high school), when you find yourself at the bottom of a hole you're supposed to stop digging.

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I nominate this to win the morning.

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I seriously have given thought to not reading Wonkette for a day or two, just to ameliorate the crushing despair. (Of course the dick jokes keep pulling me back in.) Not the pageview-juicing strategy Ken was going for, I think.

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right into the ground

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While I don't remember the actual event, I know for sure I was born in this country. However, I don't know what country I woke up in this morning.

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I once worked for a dude that named his company [Redacted] and Son. The kid was 3 years old.

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"Commercial's on...Todd, shag your ass over here!"

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It’s kind of like a super fiber cereal that tastes so bad it opens the apertures at both ends.

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