Said something to someone the other day that it's disturbing to be admiring some sweet young thing from a distance, then realizing I'm likely old enough to be her dad, if not her grandpa...

It's not that I'm a creepy old perv (although the theater of my mind is interesting at times). It's that I wonder just when in the hell this young mind and spirit wound up in this old body that's falling apart by inches, y'know?

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Oh, yeah... just to clarify... I'm not 35 (just the back injury is that old)... Going to be 60 this coming Valentine's Day... again, just to be clear.

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The New Yorker on Trump charity and taxes.


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Why waste a perfectly good jet when they could just take a three hour tour?A three hour tour?

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Can it pretty please also involve the Palins?

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"She shaves it closely" still scans and sounds less awkward.

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How much does it cost to hire the Rockettes for an hour?

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Like that great orator, Ronald Dumsfeld sayed: There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know, there are unknown unknowns, there r things we don't know....... I can't finish, I have a known headache!!

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The Trumps are like the Malfoys--rich, racist, inflated on a sense of unearned superiority--without any of the potential to inspire hawttt fan fiction.

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Here is a comment someone wrote and it fits the Trump kids perfectly: Trust me, I'm a shrink. Trump's adult children grew up never being afforded the means to have their own feelings, or a mind of their own. They were raised on propagandistic ideas which replaced -- like Invasion of the Body Snatchers pod people -- their own natural development, their own organic feeling and thinking selves. Now they are shells filled with disembodied thoughts and neurotic attitudes -- like their father.

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The only thing that will make us happy again after this sociopath and his family are out of our lives, will be on election day. It will be a day that we can finally get the relief we should have gotten over a year ago, if not for the horrible and inept reporting by the media. We will joyfully be rid of the entire Trump family, because Trump will never, ever step one foot into the White House.

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If the members of the Drumpf family were capable of shame or remorse, then upon losing in November they would all withdraw from public life and private commerce and just hole up at Mar a Lago and tell each other how amazing they are.

The only time Trump settled for second best was when he was told that honesty was the best policy.

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La Verdad...

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You know, I didn't think about it until The Young Turks presented it this way, but I think the real reason he doesn't release his tax returns is because they'll show how much less money he actually has than what he claims.

I mean face it, if what was hidden in those returns was a super low effective tax rate, Trump would be crowing to the moon about how he uses his business smarts to get over on the dumb government that you should put him in charge of. And if it was that there are no charitable giving deductions, well then all he has to say is "I don't deduct it because I don't want people to know what charities I give to, they'll get bogged down in press because I'm so popular and great." Literally the only thing that makes sense is that he's not even close to being a billionaire and trying desperate to hide it.

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I can't wait to make coffee from the tears of these losers on election day. Trump's loss will be huuge!

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Hilarious how Trump jr tries to look the part so badly. This kid has daddy issues lol

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