I feel bad for their children and their sane neighbors. My empathy for self inflicted wounds wears thin quickly when they're blow back from malicious intent.

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I wish I could find a clip of this, but I'll describe this sketch from Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones.

Mel, a waiter, brings two desserts to a table and asks, "Who's the fruit cake and who's the tart?"

Griff, dressed in drag, sits next to a man wearing a crazy multi-colored suit, and replies, "I'm the tart."

Mel responds, "Right. Here's your ice cream."

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Wow. From no comments a allowed to Commenting Awards, faster than a lie out of a press secretary's mouth!

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Because a letter from his lawyer worked so well for Jones.

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This reminds me of Alan Greenspan's immortal words: "With notably rare exceptions (2008, for example), the global “invisible hand” has created relatively stable exchange rates, interest rates, prices, and wage rates."

If you disregard the complete meltdown of the global economy, the free market is doing just fine! And if you disregard all the money Trump gets from Russians, he doesn't get any money from Russia.

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.... you're making me crave dessert now. MONSTER!!

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I'm having chocolate cake. I am truly a monster.

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Why are you keeping THOSE CAKES WE LIKE!!!! all for yourself??

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I think you've hit on an important principle of right wing "thought". "If you disregard all contradicting information (LIKE WE DO), we're obviously right."This ties together things like Donald mouth-farting "fake news" at anything that doesn't fit his narrative, and the Leopards Eating Faces Party effect. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Every time Trump nominates someone for his administration, the very first thing that comes to my mind is, "Trump wants Fred Smith for _________? I wonder what's wrong with Fred Smith?"

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Indeed! As a former c Corp and s Corp, no actual customers were ever named on our returns. And we even mowed an occasional lawn. Well put, sir!

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I thought his ties were made in México?

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I was thinking of the billions of money laundered

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According to Trumped! author John R. O'Donnell, Cheetolini took his first trip to Russia in 1987. So he has been transacting with Russia for thirty years. Think about all the money-laundering and other favors he has performed for his pal, Pooty, and those Russian mobsters. I guess he was so over hanging out with American mobsters.

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Ask the citizens of Atlantic City. I am sure they can provide a response.

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