Fuck votes! We'll need a bigger rocket, that's all.

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You know, the repetition of this number finally made me look some shit up. Right around 14 million people voted in CA, altogether. Thus in Trumpworld, 21.4% of the people-- let's just round down to "one out of every five"-- who cast a ballot in CA, were "illegal."

These hypothetical "illegals" committed a deportable crime, in order to weigh in in an election in their state of residence that was won by a nearly 2-1 margin, where total votes cast comes to about 70% of registered voters and around 58% of actual eligible voters. This is what you are asserting when you make (or believe) the claim he is making.

Not that it matters. Although it seems to, to him, for reasons probably related to tiny hands.

EDIT: oops I se Koolest G and Vorhees already covered this, not very far below. Sorry.

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That's why if the Electoral College doesn't do this December what it was created to do (and who are we kidding, it won't), it has outlived its usefulness. The only thing is that as carelessly as we seem to count votes in some areas, we'd have to get a lot better at it. As long as we have 50 cobbled-together mis-mate systems for voting, it won't be super accurate.

Any bets on whether Trump will be behind election reform?

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Apparently I am banned from Slate, and I have no effing idea why.

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wth, what did you do????? OH you don't know.

Damn liberals!

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i rue the 3 am meltdown, and vengeance, when he realizes the west coast won't be part of his shit -

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So ......he just mad people are focusing on how teeny tiny his hands.....err ahh vote total is? Or does he actually know of bullshit that went down?

Hillary ran a campaign that didn't connect with enough people while outright appeals to bigotry and facism often work with a certain set of stupids. Most polls didn't fully account for the Comey letter and rural voters voted in record numbers. I still believe she legitimately lost the race......

But all of these attempts to stop recounts have me wondering and worried.......

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Thanks Evan, for the title of this article. You made my morning!

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That cat is one shitty tie away from painfully killing Assange in his sleep.

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"Wonkette would like to add that you could then shoot that football stadium into space".

I'll get the popcorn. What channel?

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No one knew he was the snake in the fable...also, I have never heard of this particular story. It sounds like a Brother's Grimm fairytale; my step-mom (born in Austria) bought the compiled stories for my kids, I did read them at bedtime. They have my sense of humor, luckily, so no nightmares ensued. My oldest, had been exposed to the Disney versions by then and he giggled or even laughed at the original tales. My youngest needed more time to really get it; but when she did, she pointed out to everyone how the Disney stories were "wrong."

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He learned how to hire people to do that for him. I am pretty sure he still has no idea how to read either of those. He just knows where to sign after someone puts the "sign here" post-it arrows on them.

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Exciting? That's not the word I'd use.

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