While Donald Trump's team of gumshoes are now travelling the globe trying to find evidence of how President Obama got into Harvard Law School even though he is one of the blacks, it turns out his very own son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is one of those rich types who sneak their way into the Ivy League despite being a poor student that Trump suddenly despises so much.
While Trump is profoundly ignorant, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner is really dumb, while his daughter Ivanka is a con artist and his 2 sons Donald Jr. and Eric are idiots. The entire Trump family are a disgrace and a shameful embarrassment to our country and to the world.
During the 2000 election, I read about some writer who wrote the following joke for Al Gore for one of those humor dinners, after the New Yorker published his and W's undergrad transcripts:
"You may have seen that I did not get very good grades my first year at Harvard. But you have to remember: that was the year I invented the bong."
Al didn't use the joke. I would have had tremendous respect for him if he had.
"I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can't get into Harvard."
Friends of Trump does not sound like Assholes Anonymous, maybe more like Assholes Announced. It might explain some outcomes. Also, does he not have friends with daughters who are smart?
Jared must have done quite well, at least compared to his father-in-law. While Trump has gone through four bankruptcies with his various companies, Jared has yet to have his first. <a href="http:\/\/online.wsj.com\/article\/SB10001424052748703461504576231132984824372.html" target="_blank">Though he may not have to wait much longer</a>.
While Trump is profoundly ignorant, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner is really dumb, while his daughter Ivanka is a con artist and his 2 sons Donald Jr. and Eric are idiots. The entire Trump family are a disgrace and a shameful embarrassment to our country and to the world.
That&#039;s correct. Our worth as human beings is determined by SAT and GRE scores.
No. The Browns get Lawdy, How Come?
Mary Barry? Quite contrary!
During the 2000 election, I read about some writer who wrote the following joke for Al Gore for one of those humor dinners, after the New Yorker published his and W&#039;s undergrad transcripts:
&quot;You may have seen that I did not get very good grades my first year at Harvard. But you have to remember: that was the year I invented the bong.&quot;
Al didn&#039;t use the joke. I would have had tremendous respect for him if he had.
Barnyard College?
Hey, I went to Brown. And the Brunonians of Color who were my schoolmates were way whiter than me. Andover, Choate, boat shoes, self-confidence....
&quot;I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can&#039;t get into Harvard.&quot;
Friends of Trump does not sound like Assholes Anonymous, maybe more like Assholes Announced. It might explain some outcomes. Also, does he not have friends with daughters who are smart?
I hope this doesn&#039;t damage his &quot;good relationship with the Blacks.&quot;
So his son-in-law getting into Harvard was sorta like the audience not going to see &quot;Atlas Shrugged.&quot; Only backwards.
Jared must have done quite well, at least compared to his father-in-law. While Trump has gone through four bankruptcies with his various companies, Jared has yet to have his first. <a href="http:\/\/online.wsj.com\/article\/SB10001424052748703461504576231132984824372.html" target="_blank">Though he may not have to wait much longer</a>.
Ivanka married I wanna go to Harvard? He should have gone to the University of Hawaii at KomonIwannalayyou.