Two ladies are willing to let him sick it in? Man that Milo guy really is doing something wrong.

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Uday and Qusay are deceased. Lyle and Erik Menendez are still around though.

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Is that one of those telephone-to-the-bar names, only somebody screwed up? "Mike Hunt" is (sorta) funny. But you can't get "My penis" out of "Mike Pence," no matter how odd your accent is.

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Bee repellent. Looks at the time stamp. Nope. This article was posted after I discovered the wild bee home on the property. They didn't like that I knocked on their door with a gas powered line trimmer, oh no! Only got stung once and yes, ran away screaming like a child.

But just to prove that the universe is karma powered I came home to a mail saying that my great seats are reserved for when Ron White makes it over...

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How come no one refers to Drumpf as an oozing anal fistula?

Why is that? It's only the truth wrapped in a simile. Or is that "going too far" as well?

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Waaaah!! I want another 7.5 years of Obama!!!

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Ok, I feel sorry for the cute kid and honest face mom. I really do. Fuck everything. They deserve better. Not tonight, just fuck it. Asshole. And fuck CNN, and Trump, and the whole news cycle, and Isis, and white christian gun humpers, and well everyone except my family and friends and just fuck.

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so he is closely associated with Lush Phlemball's ass?

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But BenghazEmail!

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At this point, I'm not certain if Turnip's ultimate goal is to destroy the gop or to prove that he is the biggest idiot billionaire on the planet.

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Yeah, they must have totally made up the copies of the court documents. So sneaky.

While we appreciate your skills as a detective, we currently have no need of amateur sleuths at Wonkette, and must deploy this banhammer now. Bye.

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They escaped from the hounds that Smithers released.

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I think the term was previously an expression of respect but then along came Steve Doocy at it was all down hill.

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This is good news for John McClane.

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But, why are we talking about this, when we can be discussing crooked Hillary's crooked emails?

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